Friday, August 17, 2012

Do middle class republicans even know the reason unions are ...

That is for the people who must work for a living, that includes middle class republicans, and non union workers as well. This is what the unions have done for all working people
Unions are an essential part of a strong democracy and play a crucial role in America?s public and community life. Not only do they give workers a voice on the job and help negotiate fair benefits and wages for their members, but they also use their political and economic resources to raise the floor for everyone who works for a living.

Unions, by fighting for higher standards for workers, businesses, families, the environment, and public health and safety, have helped to build the middle class and make sure the economy works for everyone.


Unions Making a Difference for Everyone

Unions benefit all of America?s workers and strengthen our communities. Unions today:

Reinforce the middle class and lift up America?s communities. States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.1

Benefit local economic development. In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Raise wages for all workers. Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.2

Fight for all workers? health and safety. In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear?like hard hats or protective glasses?must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Advocate for increases in the minimum wage and push for living wage ordinances. Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Reduce wage inequality. Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.3

Invest worker pension funds to rebuild communities In June 2006, the AFL-CIO launched the Gulf Coast Revitalization Program, a $1 billion housing and economic development program to create low- and moderate-income housing, a low-cost mortgage program, health facilities, job training services, and thousands of high-wage union jobs throughout the region. The Gulf Coast program builds on the success of similar AFL-CIO investment strategies to develop affordable housing in Chicago and to help New York City recover from the devastating terrorist attacks of September 11th. Union pension funds invested $750 million in post-9/11 New York.4

Are crucial in passing legislation benefiting all workers, including:
Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, providing an increase in the federal minimum wage.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, a comprehensive federal law ensuring safety in the workplace.
Workers? compensation laws, giving workers injured on the job medical coverage and compensation for lost time.
Mine safety laws strengthening mine safety standards and protecting the rights of mine workers.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, creating the 40-hour work week and the first minimum wage.
The Social Security Act of 1935, providing benefits to unemployed and retired workers.
Union members:

Earn higher wages. Union members earn 30% more than non-union workers.

Have more training. Union workers are more likely to have access to formal, on-the-job training, making employees more skilled and adding to productivity.5

Have safer workplaces. Union workers are often better trained on health and safety rules and union workplaces are more likely to enforce Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards.6

Are more likely to receive workers? compensation. Union members also get their benefits faster, and return to work more quickly.7 When workers are injured, unions help workers through the often complicated process of filing for workers? compensation and protect workers from employer retaliation.

Have health insurance. Nearly 80% of unionized workers receive employer-provided health insurance, compared with 49% of non-union workers. Union members are also more likely to have short-term disability and life insurance coverage.
Lady snowblossom, yes you do have it good because of the work of the unions. Didn?t you read the link before you answered? Or are you one that think they know all the answers before they read anything?
John Doe, They are needed now also, don?t be kidding yourself, because when the unions are dead, so is the middle class.
Yes common sense, if you want to live under a corporate dictatership.
CB, can you link to me where you are getting your misinformation from?
And yes Germany is 80% unionized, and they have the strongest economy. They have learned to work together for the common good of the country.

Without unions, no one would be making above minimum wage and have any benefits.
It just isn?t good business sense to pay more than you have too for labor.

We would be back to the days of when Big Business Owners used the military, police forces and private security companies to assassinate anyone wanting a pay raise or benefits.


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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Record-breaking 'space jump' delayed

A daring supersonic "space jump" that would shatter the world record for the highest skydive in history has been delayed until October due to a damaged balloon capsule, project organizers say.

Austrian daredevil skydiver Felix Baumgartner, 43, was expected to make the historic skydive sometime this month over the New Mexico desert as part of the Red Bull Stratos project. The dive, which organizers have dubbed a "space jump," will send Baumgartner more than 120,000 feet (36,575 meters) up by balloon so he could leap into the sky from a custom-built capsule.

The jump is aimed at breaking the current world record for the highest skydive ? 102,800 feet (31,333 m) ? set in 1960 by U.S. Air Force Capt. Joe Kittinger, who is an adviser on the Red Bull Stratos mission.

Baumgartner tested the capsule (and his nerves) in a rehearsal skydive last month, when he jumped from a height of 97,145.7 feet (29,610 m) over Roswell, N.M. While the July 25 skydive itself was a success, when recovery crews retrieved Baumgartner's balloon capsule, they found that it had been damaged during its long descent back to Earth. [Photos of Baumgartner's 2nd 'Space Jump' Test Dive]

"After Baumgartner jumped from the capsule, it was detached from the balloon shortly before it would have drifted into U.S. military airspace southwest of Roswell," Red Bull Stratos officials explained in a statement. "However, after descending under parachute it landed on a rocky, uneven surface and was thrown onto its side."

The result: damage to the capsule's outer shell, framework and other vital components, Red Bull Stratos officials said. After its recovery, the capsule was transported to Sage Cheshire Aerospace in Lancaster, Calif., for more testing.

The capsule's vital inner pressure sphere, which houses Baumgartner during his ascent, is intact, but several life-support system components are being replaced as a precaution, project officials said.

"The outer shell will be exchanged, using materials from a reserve capsule," Red Bull Stratos officials added.

The repaired capsule will undergo another safety test in an altitude chamber, currently slated for Sept. 24 or so, in San Antonio, Texas, to make sure it can withstand the stratospheric environment.

"Once this test has been completed successfully ? the craft will be certified safe to fly, with the final mission set for sometime in the first two weeks of October," officials said.

Baumgartner's July 25 practice jump was the second test skydive for the Red Bull Stratos mission, after a leap from 71,581 feet (21,818 m) this past March. Prior to that jump, the highest leap for Baumgartner was from an altitude of 30,000 feet (9,144 m).

?The more practice you have, the more confidence you have," Baumgartner said just after the latest test jump. "We now have a good feeling of what to expect and are ready to go."

Meanwhile, Red Bull Stratos mission managers will keep an eye on changing weather conditions for Baumgartner's October jump window. Conditions must be safe not only for the skydive, but also for the long ride to jump height by Baumgartner's 55-story balloon, officials said.

"Early fall in New Mexico is one of the best times of year to launch stratospheric balloons," said Red Bull Stratos mission meteorologist Don Day.

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Having A Successful Home Based Business Made Easy |

Have you ever noticed how many work at home ads there are? In reality, many people do find ways to shake off their 9-to-5 jobs in favor of home-based businesses. It is something that can happen, but there is no magic formula for it. Use the tips below to help you get your home business off the ground.

Since you will be spending the majority of time at your desk, it is worth your money to make it as comfortable as possible. You can damage your neck and cause a lot of pain if you must constantly look up or down to see your screen well. You should be comfortable while you are working for a long time; get a good seat. Your lighting, mouse, keyboard, monitor and all the components of your workstation should be of the best and most comfortable quality possible. A budget of $200 would go a long way.

Make sure your home business meets safety standards, especially if you have children. In order to do this you may need to enlist a set of rules and boundaries. Purchasing the correct equipment may also be required to secure your home business. Setting up security and boundaries is essential to keep your business safe, your family safe and to protect your business. Even home-based businesses can be subjected to inspections.

You should get business cards. Many times, business cards can be had for little or even no money. Be sure to include key information like your full name, phone number and company name. Be sure to list you website and email address. That way, customers can contact you via the method that?s most convenient for them.

Do not forget that if you spend money entertaining your clients, it can be written off on your taxes. Treating clients to dinner can be written off as a business expense. Just save all your receipts, because if you?re audited, this will provide you with proof that you were with clients.

You need to be determined and a self-starter, in order to be successful with a home business. There are regulations that specify what kind of building an office can be located in, so keep this in mind when finding somewhere to host a business. This really works out best in the long run, because you can keep a clearer distinction between your business world and your home world.

If your home business is a sole proprietorship, you want to make certain that you remain in control of all financial decisions. Even small decisions can impact your ability to write off purchases, like allowing your spouse to purchase business supplies with the business credit card and discovering your spouse buys other items with the card. The entire purchase may not be able to be written off as a result.

A good strategy in home based business is to always keep an eye on the price points your competitors use. This will ensure that you are still in competition with them and help to explain your sales figures.

Always look ahead and be prepared. While celebrating recent successes is important, you should recognize that these events are over, and you should always look forward. If you assume your strategy will work in the future without doing any research, you are not focused on the proper information. Keeping your attention focused on the future will make sure you are ready for upcoming opportunities, and any obstacles that may come up. That way, you won?t be blindsided by something you weren?t looking for.

As you have just learned, there are many people trying to sell you on scams. However, as you?ve learned throughout this article, there are also many common-sense tips and tactics that you can use in order to grow your home business. If you?re willing to put in the work, you can certainly be successful

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Y Combinator-Backed Financial Decision Making Startup ...

Anthony Ha is a writer at TechCrunch, where he covers media, advertising, and startups. Previously, he was a staff technology writer at Adweek, worked as a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and was also a reporter at the Hollister Free Lance, where he won awards from the California Newspaper Publishers Association for breaking news coverage and writing.... ? Learn More

SmartAsset, a startup that offers interactive tools to help with the homebuying process (with plans to expand to expand to other big financial decisions), has raised $900,000 in seed funding.

The company is part is of the current class of startups being incubated at Y Combinator. It launched last month, and co-founder and CEO Michael Carvin says that more than 14,000 people who have already started using the site. He adds that SmartAsset is already generating ?significant revenue? from advertising and lead generation.

As for the funding, it comes from YC, Quotidian Ventures, and New York- and Silicon Valley-based angels.

When users come to SmartAsset, they enter their basic financial information, then interact with a number of calculators and charts that help them understand the financial implications of their homebuying choices. The site will recommend a home price that they can afford, provide a graph modeling the rent vs. buy decision, and suggests things that might save users money. The point is to help users perform their own analysis, so they don?t have to follow SmartAsset?s recommendations blindly ? for example, if you want to buy a home with a higher price than the one suggested by the site, you can enter that price and the company will show you how that?s likely to affect your finances.

In addition to the user numbers and financing, SmartAsset is also announcing two additions to its homebuying product today ? the ability to calculate ?How much can I borrow?? and ?How much can I put down?? As with all of the company?s tools, the answers change depending on your location (because things like the tax implications change), and you can always adjust the numbers to see how borrowing more or putting down more affects the bigger picture. Carvin says these additions come in response to user demand.

?We have a pretty deep product pipeline, but everything gets prioritized based on what our users were actually asking for,? he says.

Quotidian Ventures is a seed to early-stage investment fund that invests in great visionaries building global companies whose services we want to incorporate into our everyday life.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

'Facedeals' app to scan your face in exchange for discounts

7 hrs.

It's not a secret: Just a quick stroll through your city will allow a couple of cameras to catch your face. That ATM, that traffic light, that?grocery store?entrance?? video-surveillance?happens everywhere. But is that reality enough to make you happily use an app which scans your face in exchange for discount codes?

Anna Brading of Sopho's security blog isn't so sure that it should be. "[This arrangement] worries me," she writes. "How securely will the data be stored? Can [a company] sell on the data they've collected? What if the data gets stolen?"

Brading's got her mind on Facedeals, a camera system which could one day?make its way into your favorite haunts. This system scans your face as you enter a premises, checks you into the?location?on Facebook, and sends you a text message with a discount code (which is specifically tailored to you based on what you like on Facebook).

These things won't happen unless you've installed and authorized the corresponding?Facedeals app, mind you.?The Facedeals?app learns how you look based on your tagged Facebook photos and uses that information to identify you whenever you enter a location with a Facedeals camera system.

Now, whether you're excited to see Facedeals in your local stores or already planning to avoid any location with such a system, you can relax for a while.

According to the folks of Redpepper, the advertising agency behind the whole setup, they're still "finalizing testing and seeking funding for Facedeals." No word as to how the agency would deal with the wrath of Facebook, which might not be all that happy about the Facedeals name or logo.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Customization: Expressing Yourself | ArticloPedia

The ideology behind self expression is derived from the basic need of the individual to know one?s self. There is a strong sentiment towards individualism nowadays as a result of the so called ?Information Revolution?. This resulted in the many ideologies that have sprung out these days. A philosophical study suggests that people in the contemporary world need to have a strong foundation when it comes to the self. The self is expressed as the being or that consciousness of one?s existence as part of a unit, a society as relative to one?s inner understanding of one?s self. The current trend in thinking suggests that the self is an important factor thus giving high regard to caring for one?s psychological needs such as the need for self expression. Do customized shirts help a person express himself?

Expression thru customized shirts is becoming a trendy way for self-expression. Different modes of expression include colorations, body piercings, body visual art, physical alterations etc. However, the use of external means such as the wearing of customized shirts is becoming a safe and fun way of self-expression minimizing the risk gained from body modifications. Customization creates that sense of individualism that is required of by one?s sense of awareness towards one?s self. There is a strong feeling of accomplishment when this undertaking is achieved.

There is a significant difference between having your own customized shirts and having the customization process done for you by a professional. By doing it yourself, you are able to take that level of expression to a greater degree, but you are rather limited by your level of ability. By commissioning an artisan, your expression is taken into consideration and is processed and then interpreted by the professional into a form of art thru customization; however this does not usually yield the exact interpretation you have in mind. But, it takes the frustration away out of not getting it done because you can?t draw things out the way you wanted them to be. Professional artists can do these for you for a certain fee, and you?d be amazed at the results. It is a fusion of your creative imagination and the artist?s creative interpretation; a marriage of your vision and the artist?s skill.

One of the most popular forms of customized shirts requires the use of photographs. People tend to opt to commemorate other people or themselves and express them through customized shirts. This new medium creates a more sensual and intimate feeling towards expressing adoration and commemoration since it puts emphasis on collected memory and the expression of collected memory creates that strong bond. In marketing, customized shirts are used as marketing tools that support marketing strategies. They help implement the marketing plan and render it successful.

The success of a marketing plan is defined by the success of implementing the marketing strategies that would now include the employment of visual media including the use of customized shirts. Custom shirts could also be used for a handful of events including family reunions, rallies and protests, as gifts, and for different occasions like parties. In family reunions, custom shirts could be used to display the clan name and may even be used to display clan founder?s photographs or as the designer/s see fit. The ideas are limitless and are only bound by the imagination of the artist and the available space on a particular area permitted on customized shirts.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Phones4U announces the LG Optimus 4X HD, coming Aug. 27

Android Central

Pre-orders start today, with Cheryl Cole tickets thrown in for good measure

Independent British retailer Phones4U has announced that it'll be launching the LG Optimus 4X HD in the UK later this month, and that it'll start taking pre-orders from today. The 4X HD is LG's international flagship for 2012, with a 4.7-inch True HD IPS display, a quad-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 CPU, running Android 4.0 and LG's new Optimus UI 3.0.

Phones4U will make the phone available from Aug. 27 on a wide range of tariffs on leading UK mobile networks. If you want a free 4X HD, you'll be able to get one on contracts starting at £26 per month. SIM-free prices aren't available just yet, but based on European prices, we can probably expect something in the £450-500 area. The black version of the phone will be offered initially, followed at a later date by the white model.

To sweeten the deal, Phones4U is also offering the first 50 pre-orderers a pair of tickets to see British singer Cheryl Cole perform live this Autumn at the LG Arena in Birmingham. P4U points out the tickets are worth £100, presumably so you know where to set your eBay starting price.

In any case, it's good to see the 4X HD getting a wider European release, following its debut in Germany a few months back. LG's definitely upped its game in the past few months, and the 4X is a phone that deserves the chance to succeed. For more, check out our initial review of the handset, linked below.

More: LG Optimus 4X HD hands-on and initial review

Source: Phones4U


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Ecommerce Web Development to Succeed Your Online Business ...

Internet and Technology | Computers and Technology | * Written by Arth ISoft | Monday, 13 August 2012 01:40 | Word Count: 409

Why do you require the assist of a website development company? To feed and succeed any kind of business, concentrated awareness is a basic need. Whether your company is on-line or not, some outside, devoted, expert helps simply enable you to improve your company growth. Abilities and experience performs an important part in any business development and if we spend on such factors, it certainly not moves as a ruin.

The company has exploded many periods larger and such enormousness requirements lots of interest to your e-business. Well, if you are not an expert in the area of ecommerce website development then nothing can be performed without having those who aware of it all.



The ecommerce website development firms are helping many web business shops to increase and arrive at its level. As below discussion, I give you something important factors that you should keep to remain in your mind to growth your online business. As the web development organizations are in the business for lengthy lasting and concentrate on the area of on the internet work that help electronic business to expand, they have all the options for you to increase it. Website development firms understand what the specifications of your business to develop are and you discover results arriving on your path just after you side over your website to them.


The main important factor is to be developing site at low price. Low price is one positive aspect that each online service provider should understand and must provide a taken to it. Getting the support of a web development firm is relatively less costly. Generally, a company device requires offering with huge costs to be able to bring out the organization growth. On the other hand, web development firms enable affordability to them in developing up an online identity successfully. A web development firm only can present total web services to create and manage a website. It definitely requires self-disciplined and superior techniques. It cannot take place immediately without having specific attempts. They are always ready for appropriate solutions for your business development. This is one large advantage any on the internet vendor can simply create use of.


Without suitable support and help in servicing there are no internet business can endure. Continuous technical assist and support in preservation is need to and only web development organizations can support you out in this respect. They comprehend your issues and provide you appropriate support and of course that is excellent comfort for an online entrepreneur.

Arth I-Soft provides ecommerce solutions to developing best websites.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Web Site Hosting Providers

tucx1h99re Posted by tucx1h99re on 4 hours ago

To establish an on-line existence using unreliable and unprofessional free web hosting resources can very well ensure your venture never gets off the ground. Even worse, these unprofessional resources may stop working when you want them most.

So, what exactly must you be looking for?

The greatest part of successfully running a company on the internet, just like in the brick and mortar world, is the knack to acquire customers and leads, build up your client base plus a suitable and efficient way to continue in touch with them.

So, step one would be to acquire your perfect domain name. Preferably a dot com. One that describes your organization while also being search engine friendly.

Next, acquire an easy to utilize website host that offers you not only web host location, but also the options and support you want to get your small business off to a running start. This will permit you to keep every part of the vital activities in your small business nicely together in one place, instead of having to switch from one software or service to the next all the time.

Most businesses online make use of an auto responder because this maintains a mailing list database of people grouped together, making it possible for simple contact as well as following up. After your website forms are online and complete your visitors are able to sign up and obtain direct response follow up communication e-mailed to them that address their specified needs.

When signing up for a web host from which to operate your internet business, make sure you acquire a range of useful scripts used for customer interaction. This would involve client support systems, chat boards, e-commerce platforms, picture galleries, polls and surveys, and indeed blogs.

Communication is a backbone for the success of any small business. You may want to get your team leaders or members together in a meeting room for something like education, coordinating a product launch, doing a software demonstration walk through or else only to sit in on a general budget meeting.

Wouldn?t it be wonderful to come up with a web hosting company that can already supply you with everything you require to carry out live web conferences without any outrageous expenses? This method you continually have the backing you want at hand, while the cost issue is clearly reduced due to the integrated type of the services provided.

Video is one selling application no on line organization can do without. The conversion rate of video media is a good deal higher than the traditional sales page. Video is additionally a a great deal richer and more adaptable media. It is hence much more efficient in getting the sales message across.

Blogging is furthermore a novel alternative to e-mails. You are able to add all kinds of interactive or multimedia subject matter to a blog to improve your message. Using RSS feeds your subject matter and message can rapidly spread across the world wide web. If you already possess a big email list, you may choose to post your newsletters on your website, and simply mail a link to the posting to your list.

Always look for more while picking a domain host. There are some wonderful company hosts out there that supply so much extra than just a space intended for your website.

Don?t just settle for a basic old hosting service. You?ll be able to put your web based company in the fast track by using an internet host that already provide the whole set of tools you need to run an online organization intended for you. It just means you want to spend more time in evaluating what is right for your small business operation. You structure your business strategy by understanding your Domain Hosting Reviews. No matter how cool your internet site looks or how effective your SEO methods are, if you don?t come up with the appropriate Web Hosting Providers, your internet marketing efforts are tough. In choosing your web hosting plan, carefully weigh the expenses with the products and benefits offered.


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Kien's Site - Boating Recreation Sports - Posterous

There's no doubt about it that boating is often a recreational sport. It's a calming, relaxing option to dump the stresses of life and glide along a smooth plate glass of water although enjoying the sights and sounds of nature around you. If you are into boating, you'll find a whole lot of sports you possibly can explore for recreational value. maag kronis

Water skiing is among the most favorite boating recreation sports that boaters do. It's enjoyable to accomplish and requires tiny within the way of gear though the gear can be a tiny high-priced. A nice pair of water skis can run upwards of a couple hundred dollars, and a great slalom ski can be even more high-priced. On the other hand, when you contemplate all you definitely need to have is skis and a tow rope, it's no wonder that water skiing is often a favorite boating recreation sport. maag kronis mkB5

One more enjoyable recreational sport to accomplish although boating is wake boarding - also known as boogie boarding. This involves taking a board substantially life a surfboard but smaller in size. Someone kneels on the board although maintaining hold on the tow rope and skims across the water jumping waves.

Inner tubing is also yet another recreational boating sport a great number of folks delight in. The enjoyable component about inner tubing is that it could be accomplished by compact young children and older folks alike. Several tubes developed for pulling behind a boat will have handles on them to make it a lot easier to hold on although traveling across the waves. maag kronis mkB6

Fishing is often a recreational sport in and of itself, but when you are fishing although boating, you get double the enjoyment. You have access to locations not quickly gotten to on land where the huge fish are hiding just waiting for the tasty treat at the end of your fishing line. The leisurely float with a fishing pole within your hand is a superb option to delight in recreational boating sports.

For a number of people, the ultimate recreational activity although boating is just sitting back and relaxing although the shore passes by. Within a globe where daily life can be so stressful, relaxing can itself be considered a sport. Following all, folks take part in sports since they like them. Why cannot relaxation be a recreational boating sport as well?

The really feel on the wind within your face as that you are piloting your watercraft on a smooth lake is often a recreational boating sport for everyone who loves boating. If you contemplate all the other sports you possibly can do although boating, the result is most certainly some satisfying recreational activities.


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Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux Are Engaged…For Real!

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are engaged to marry! Theroux proposed to Aniston on Friday, which was his 41st birthday. The actor’s representative confirmed the [...]

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gold made all the pain worth it, says triathlon ... - BBC World News

Metro columnist and Olympic triathlon champion Alistair Brownlee reflects on his triumph at London 2012 ? and what happens next. Mission accomplished: Alistair Brownlee celebrates his Olympic victory (Picture: Getty) It?s wonderful to be Olympic champion after such injury worries during the spring. The Achilles tendon I tore in February took a little while to repair and I missed the first three races of the season. However, I felt okay when I got back competing again and it was a massive relief to remain injury- free throughout my preparation for London. There was a sort of emotional stress about the build-up, probably brought on in part by the injury worries I had. But I don?t feel as bad now afterwards as I thought I would. Having said that, I am going to enjoy the moment and have a big holiday at some point. The last few months my brother Jonny and I had a plan, which was to be away from some of the hype at our training camp in St Moritz. That worked out well and now both me and Jonny have won an Olympic medal we will stop and take a breath. Basically, since the race we haven?t stopped and there?s been no time to lick our wounds. Oh brother, there art thou: Jonny Brownlee (left) followed Alistair over the line to claim the bronze medal (Picture: Getty) It was a wonderful thing to be able to get to the finish line ? knowing I was well clear of Javier Gomez,

Standing Seam Metal Roofing Is Smart And Sturdy - IdeaMarketers ...

As roofing experts, the Houston contractors are superb in their expertise and professionalism. It is indeed a great experience to understand their methodologies and learn from their precision. While you talk to the contractors, you can also ask them about the materials used in their roofing technique. It is important to have a good wavelength with the team and allow them to give you some suggestion so that the outcome is a superb choice. If any kind of insurance claim has to be made before commencing work on the damaged area of the roof, that too has to be communicated to the contractors.

Standing seam metal roofing in standing seam is now a new trend and it will really be great to find the best styles in metal frames that are supported with other alloys and concrete. Metal has a dependable finish and it adds style to the roof and to the exterior. The best part about metal is that it blends well with your garden or patio setting and hence it is a seamless way to allow a new look for your home. Roof styles are now getting trendier and you can look into designs in metals to have a clear picture of what is being proposed by the contractors.

The contractors at Houston are excellent at their job. They will help you in choosing the best shingles and frames that will bring out a new appeal to your home. It is a great idea to remodel your roof if you are on a stringent budget. A leaky roof harbors a lot of germs and infection, which can trickle down to your home and cause infections for you and your family. Besides, a stylish roof does give you a good image in the neighborhood. The blend of wood and metal is also a new trend, which is getting popular.

Metal roofing with the standing seam quality is a great idea. You can have the best styles in the sturdy metal, which is now becoming quite popular. Great looking roofs of good quality in this variety are designed with perfection. The main reason why it is so popular is because of its ability to withstand extreme temperatures including hailstorms. The important part of the roof is its reliability to handle the weather conditions and hence the roof contractors in Houston are suggesting this metal.

Understanding the fact that the roof is often exposed to sudden climate changes, people are now switching to metal roofing in the standing seam variety so that it is able to adjust to the thermal shocks. Moreover, the roofs in this metal are resistant to fire which is another great advantage. Additionally, it is also great looking with new designs and colors that make your home really splendid. The unique combination of durability and sturdiness is one amazing quality of the roof of this kind. Any kind of roof needs to be maintained and it is good to check for deposits, fungi and also cracks. But the standing seam metal is truly a success as it is engineered to tolerate the changes in temperature. Call the Roofers at Houston now to get a tough roof for your home.

Author is an expert author with rich experience in construction industry and works for Greencoast Construction. At present he is writing on various topics like roofing contractors in houston, roofing repair texas. Read more here.

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Canada's FM visits Syrian refugee camp in Jordan

ZAATARI, Jordan (AP) ? Canada's foreign minister called the worsening situation in Syria "tremendously horrifying" during a trip Saturday to Jordan's first refugee camp, near its northern border with Syria.

John Baird, accompanied by his Jordanian counterpart Nasser Judeh, spoke during the visit to the Zataari desert camp, a tent city where more than 3,300 Syrian refugees are housed.

Jordan hosts 150,000 displaced Syrians, more than any other country. Fighting in Syria's largest city Aleppo and other recent clashes is sending ever larger numbers of Syrians to neighboring countries.

Baird says Canada will donate $1.5 million to the World Food Program in Jordan and $2 million for medical supplies for doctors inside Syria.

Baird is on a three-day tour of the region.


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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Strawberry Mascarpone Tarts - FRUGAL FITNESS

You can?t possibly understand how delicious these are.

The best thing is that now that I?ve made them, I can see a million zillion possibilities for variations! Perhaps, nix the orange peel and strawberries and add, say,?chocolate shavings.?Or perhaps?raspberry puree.?

The possibilities are endless!

You can make the crust from scratch (which is a little more time consuming but I totally recommend on account of knowing the exact ingredients, here is the recipe for the crust I used, and it?s called the ?Pate Brisee,? pronounced ?pat briz-ay.?) Tip: if you don?t have a food processor, you can totally just mix the ingredients and cut the butter using two metal knives within the dough. That?s what my mom taught me.

Pre made store-bought crust dough will work too and would probably actually shave off a LOT of time.

The inspiration for this recipe was of course from?Pinterest, and it was for a whole entire tart. I however wanted to make a bunch of tiny ones. So here is the recipe for these delicious Strawberry Mascarpone Tarts ? multiple ? ?(and you can file them under the ?indulgence? category):

Strawberry Mascarpone Tarts?


  • 2 lbs strawberries, stemmed and quartered
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp orange zest, divided
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 12 ounces mascarpone cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/3 cup confectioner?s sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar (substitute a teaspoon of lemon juice if you don?t have balsamic)


Making the Dough

Preheat oven to 400. Make your dough, or if using store bought dough, roll it out onto a floured, flat surface. Using a cupcake tin and a round 4?cookie cutter (or wine glass like me) cut out ?as many circles as possible. Using the scraps, roll out dough again, all together you should get about 14 circles. Line each cupcake tin with dough, gently pressing the dough into the bottom and sides of the tin. The dough should reach just about halfway up the cup on the sides. Poke holes in the bottom of the dough using a fork. Put the muffin tins and dough in the oven for 15 minutes or until light brown.

Making the Strawberry Mascarpone Filling

Combine the strawberries, half of the orange zest, and the granulated sugar in large bowl so that the strawberries are coated with sugar. Set aside. Allow it to macerate for 30 minutes. Meantime, mix together the mascarpone cheese, confectioner?s sugar, the remaining orange zest, lemon juice and the vanilla in a medium bowl until well combined. Try not to eat it all while you?re testing it. It?s very yummy. Refrigerate the mixture until needed.?After the strawberries have macerated for 30 minutes, drain the liquid out of the strawberry mixture into a bowl. Put the strawberry liquid in a small saucepan and add a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Bring it to a boil on medium high heat until the liquid reduces to a consistency of syrup. Remove from heat and let cool.

Assemble the tarts by filling the shells with the mascarpone cheese mix, topping them with strawberries and then the final touch of brushing on the balsamic glaze using a pastry brush.

This recipe does take a little time and waiting but in the end it?s a masterpiece! Do try it. I loved it.?

? Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!

Michael J. Schiemer B.S. CPT

Owner of FRUGAL FITNESS Worldwide Wellness & Elite Cheapskate?

Owner & Personal Trainer of RESULTS Private Fitness Boston, MA
Author of The Frugal Diet, The Frugal Workout, & The Ultimate Fitness Guide Series? FRUGAL FITNESS TV?|?Twitter?|?Facebook?|?Fitness eBooks


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Dwight Howard to Lakers in 4-team, 12-player deal

LONDON (AP) ? Dwight Howard arrived in Los Angeles four months ago. On Friday, he became a member of the Lakers.

Calling it "a fresh start" for both him and Orlando, Howard was the centerpiece of a four-team, 12-player trade that sent him to the Lakers and ended the long, drawn-out saga surrounding his long-awaited departure from the Magic.

Howard has been rehabbing in Los Angeles since having back surgery in April. He says he's "looking forward to being great in L.A."


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Oil falls as China buys less, global demand seen weak

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices slipped on Friday on data showing China's crude oil imports dropped in July and on weaker global oil demand forecasts by the International Energy Agency.

The data added to concerns about demand for oil going forward and countered supportive hopes or expectations that central banks will introduce more stimulus measures aimed at lifting global economic growth.

Brent and U.S. crude posted their second straight weekly gains, with Brent up 3.68 percent and U.S. crude adding 1.6 percent.

Maintenance that should curb North Sea production and potential threats to supply from violence and tensions in the Middle East sent prices to 12-week peaks this week and lent support especially to Brent prices.

Brent crude's premium over U.S. crude ended at $20.08 based on settlements, reaching $20.42 intraday, the highest since April.

"Crude futures are retreating on both sides of the Atlantic ... after reports showed that exports from China collapsed in July and its net-imports of crude were the lowest since December," Addison Armstrong, senior director for market research at Tradition Energy, said in a research note.

Brent September crude eased 27 cents to settle at $112.95 a barrel. It recovered after falling intraday to $111.31 and finding support 2 cents below the 200-day moving average.

U.S. September crude fell 49 cents to settle at $92.87 a barrel, ending below the 100-day moving average of $93.06 after trading from $91.71 to $93.87.

Trading volumes continued to show summer-lull weakness, with turnover for Brent and U.S. crude below their 30-day averages.

Money managers raised their net long U.S. crude futures and options positions in the week to August 7, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) said.

They also raised net long positions in heating oil and gasoline, the data showed.

U.S. heating oil futures slumped more than 2 cents, while U.S. gasoline managed a higher settlement on support from refinery problems and Monday's fire that curbed output from a refinery near San Francisco, California.

Tropical depression number seven in the Atlantic could become a tropical storm before reaching the Caribbean, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said, another supportive element to keep investors cautious ahead of the weekend.


An Israeli newspaper reported that the country's prime minister and defense minister want to attack Iran's nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November, but lack crucial support within their cabinet and military.

The report added to the recent increase in speculation that war with Iran could be imminent.

The violent struggle in Syria continued to fuel the uncertainty about the region's oil supplies. Rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in Aleppo promised a counterattack on Friday.


The International Energy Agency on Friday cut its estimates for global oil demand for several years, trimming its 2013 demand forecast by 400,000 barrels per day in the light of a "worrying slowdown" in global economic activity.

China's imports of crude oil sank in July to a nine-month low as refineries cut output due to reduced demand as growth in the world's second-largest economy sputtered.

Goods sent from export-sensitive China in July rose only 1 percent from year ago, well below expectations, and new loans were at a 10-month low, adding to worries about faltering growth in the world's No. 2 oil consumer.

(Additional reporting by Gene Ramos in New York, Alex Lawler in London and Florence Tan in Singapore, David Gregorio, Bob Burgdorfer and Marguerita Choy)


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Friday, August 10, 2012

BranchOut CEO Rick Marini On Building A Company Atop Facebook?s ?Shifting Sands? [TCTV]

Screen shot 2012-08-10 at 3.42.52 PMBranchOut is known as one of the bigger success stories for startups building on top of Facebook. The company, which makes a professional social network that runs on Facebook, has raised nearly $50 million in venture capital and attracted 30 million users in the two years since it made its debut. So it was great to have the chance to pull aside BranchOut CEO Rick Marini at the Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp TechCrunch hosted a week ago to get his "dos and don'ts" he's learned while building his company. Watch the video above to see our full interview, and below I've excerpted a couple of his insights:


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Syria rebels retreat from key Aleppo district

Rebels retreated from the key Aleppo district of Salaheddin under a deadly rain of shellfire Thursday, as a veteran Algerian diplomat was set to be named the new international envoy to Syria.

"We have staged a tactical withdrawal from Salaheddin. The district is completely empty of rebel fighters. Regime forces are now advancing into Salaheddin," said Hossam Abu Mohammed, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander, with the battle for Syria's commercial capital raging into a second day.

"The fighters are withdrawing to (nearby) Sukari district, where they are preparing a counter-attack," he told AFP by telephone.

Abu Mohammed cited heavy shelling and the army's use of thermobaric bombs, which throw out a wall of fire to incinerate targets in enclosed spaces.

"A large number of civilians were killed, as were some 40 rebels," he said. "Forty buildings have been flattened."

State television said: "Our special forces have cleansed Salaheddin district of terrorists."

But Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said that fighters remained in the district, ready to "fight to the death."

Wassel Ayub, who commands the Nur al-Haq Brigade, said the FSA had withdrawn "to open a new front in Saif al-Dawla and Mashhad."

FSA spokesman Kassem Saadeddine, speaking by Skype, said the withdrawal "does not mean we are leaving Aleppo. We have military plans to fight in the city, but we cannot reveal them."

In Damascus, a security source said regime forces were "advancing quickly" in Salaheddin towards Saif al-Dawla.

"But the next big battle, which will be very fierce, will be in the (southeastern) Sukari district," he added.

At least 17 people were killed in Aleppo, scene of fierce battles since July 20, the Observatory said, adding that two children and a citizen journalist were among them.

Nationwide, the toll reached 96 -- 37 civilians, 31 soldiers and 28 rebels -- according to the Observatory. That compared with 167 on Wednesday, including 33 in Aleppo.

Elsewhere, fierce fighting also broke out in Damascus province, where at least 15 people were killed, most of them civilians, while regime forces shelled Zabadani, the monitoring group said.

On Wednesday, loyalist troops launched their offensive against the rebels, who had claimed to control half the city, after President Bashar al-Assad vowed a day earlier to crush the rebellion that erupted in March 2011.

More than 2,500 Syrians fled to Turkey overnight amid escalating clashes, a Turkish official told AFP on Friday.

The latest arrivals brought the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey to some 53,000, said the official from the country's Disaster and Emergency Administration.

Diplomats at the United Nations said former Algerian foreign minister Lakhdar Brahimi was expected to be named as the new UN-Arab League envoy to Syria.

Negotiations were still going on over the envoy's role and how the United Nations will operate in Syria amid the intensifying civil war. The mandate of the UN mission in the country ends on August 20.

An official announcement of the 78-year-old's appointment was expected to be made early next week, diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Brahimi was the UN envoy in Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 attacks and in Iraq after the 2003 US-led invasion.

Kofi Annan, a former UN secretary-general, said he was leaving the post because of the lack of international support for his efforts to end the 17-month Syria conflict, in which rebels say more than 20,000 people have been killed.

He is staying on until August 31.

Activists on the Syria Revolution 2011 Facebook page called for the traditional demonstration following weekly Muslim prayers on Friday, with this week's slogan being "Arm us with anti-aircraft weapons."

On the political front, Assad appointed Health Minister Wael al-Halqi as his new premier following the defection this week of Riad Hijab, a leading Sunni Muslim in the minority Alawite-dominated regime.

Halqi served as ruling Baath party secretary from 2000 to 2004 in his home province of Daraa, the birthplace in southern Syria of the anti-Assad revolt.

Day two of the battle for Aleppo came as Syria's key regional ally Iran hosted a 29-nation meeting aimed at finding ways to end the raging conflict.

State media said the foreign ministers of Iraq, Pakistan and Zimbabwe were present. Lower-ranking diplomats, most of them ambassadors, represented the other nations.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi opened the meeting by calling for "national dialogue between the (Syrian) opposition, which has popular support, and the Syrian government to establish calm and security," according to state television.

He added that Iran was prepared to host any such dialogue.

Earlier, Salehi said Tehran was attempting to revive parts of Annan's plan, notably: implementing a ceasefire, sending humanitarian aid and laying groundwork for national dialogue.

Excluded from the Tehran meeting were Western and Gulf Arab nations that Iran has accused of giving military backing to the insurgency.

There was no immediate word from the predominantly Sunni Muslim Syrian opposition and rebels on how they viewed the conference in majority Shiite Iran, a stalwart ally of Assad's regime.

The United States dismissed the conference in Tehran, saying the Islamic Republic had been helping Assad kill his people.


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Health care law's tax hikes are coming: Who pays?

FILE - This June 28, 2012 file photo shows people who waited in line overnight to hear the Supreme Court on a landmark case on health care hold their belongings as they make their way into the court in Washington. Who gets whacked by thumped by higher taxes in President Barack Obama's health care law? The wealthiest 2 percent of Americans take the biggest hit, starting next year. The pain also will be shared by some who aren't so well off _ people swept up in a hodgepodge of smaller tax changes that will help finance health coverage for millions in need. For the vast majority of people, however, the health care law won't mean sending more money to the IRS. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

FILE - This June 28, 2012 file photo shows people who waited in line overnight to hear the Supreme Court on a landmark case on health care hold their belongings as they make their way into the court in Washington. Who gets whacked by thumped by higher taxes in President Barack Obama's health care law? The wealthiest 2 percent of Americans take the biggest hit, starting next year. The pain also will be shared by some who aren't so well off _ people swept up in a hodgepodge of smaller tax changes that will help finance health coverage for millions in need. For the vast majority of people, however, the health care law won't mean sending more money to the IRS. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign event at the Colorado State Fairgrounds, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012, in Pueblo, Colo. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leaves a finance event on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

(AP) ? Who gets thumped by higher taxes in President Barack Obama's health care law? The wealthiest 2 percent of Americans will take the biggest hit, starting next year. And the pain will be shared by some who aren't so well off ? people swept up in a hodgepodge of smaller tax changes that will help finance health coverage for millions in need.

For the vast majority of people, however, the health care law won't mean sending more money to the IRS.

And roughly 20 million people eventually will benefit from tax credits that start in 2014 to help them pay insurance premiums.

The tax increases ? plus a mandate that nearly everyone have health coverage ? are helping make the law an election-year scorcher. Obama is campaigning on the benefits for the uninsured, women and young adults. His rival, Mitt Romney, and Republican lawmakers are vowing to repeal "Obamacare," saying some health care reforms are needed but not at this cost.

Lots of the noise is about the financial consequences for people who decline to get coverage and businesses that don't offer their workers an adequate health plan. Some 4 million individuals without insurance are expected to pay about $55 billion over eight years, according to the Congressional Budget Office's estimates. Employers could be dinged an estimated $106 billion for failing to meet the mandate, which starts in 2014.

But that mandate money, whether it's called taxes or penalties, is overwhelmed by other taxes, fees and shrunken tax breaks in the law. These other levies could top $675 billion over the next 10 years, under the CBO's projections of how much revenue the government would lose if the law were repealed.

The biggest chunk is in new taxes on the nation's top 2 percent of earners ? some $318 billion over a decade.

Other major taxes are aimed at the health care industry, and some of that cost is sure to be passed along to consumers as higher prices.

A rundown of the most significant tax changes ? and who pays:



Who pays: About 2.5 million households ? individuals making more than $200,000 per year, couples $250,000.

How much: A 0.9 percent Medicare tax on wages above those threshold amounts; an additional 3.8 percent tax on investment income. Should raise $318 billion over 10 years.

The lowdown: Together these are the biggest tax increase in the health care law.

For those wealthy enough to owe it, the 3.8 percent investment tax comes on top of the existing 15 percent capital gains rate, which is set to rise to 20 percent next year unless Congress acts.

Over the years, more and more people will be caught by the new taxes, because the adjusted gross income level that triggers them doesn't rise with inflation.

But fears that the investment tax will land on most folks' home sales seem overblown ? few sellers will be affected. A couple's profit ? not sales price ? of up to $500,000 from the house they've been living in is exempt from taxes; only gains above that amount are taxed.

When: 2013



Who pays: The 28 million people who visit tanning booths and beds each year ? most of them women under 30, according to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

How much: A 10 percent tax on the price of tanning. Expected to raise $1.5 billion over 10 years.

The lowdown: Tanning salons were singled out because of wide agreement among medical experts that baking under ultraviolet lights increases the risk of skin cancer.

When: Took effect in 2010.



Who pays: Insurance companies or businesses that provide plans with premiums of more than $10,200 per person or $27,500 per family, not including dental or vision coverage. Employees covered by these so-called "Cadillac" benefits probably will feel the pinch.

How much: 40 percent excise tax on any amount of premium that exceeds the threshold. Expected to raise $111 billion over five years.

The lowdown: The majority of health plans aren't affected because they don't cost enough: Workplace family coverage now averages about $15,000, including the portion paid by the employer, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's survey. But some middle-class workers, especially those with strong union contracts, have health plans that exceed the threshold. Also hit are corporate bigwigs whose employer-paid plans cover virtually all expenses and lots of perks, akin to tax-free income.

Some employees will pay more for their share of insurance costs because the tax will get passed along to them. In other cases, businesses will trim benefits to bring their plans under the tax cutoff. Economists predict that many of the affected workers will get higher pay as a trade-off ? but those raises would be subject to income tax.

The tax will affect more workers as time goes by. It's indexed for inflation, but rising health care prices will probably outpace that.

When: 2018



Who pays: Insurers, drug companies, medical device makers. And some of their customers.

How much: More than $165 billion over 10 years

The lowdown: New taxes and fees target businesses expected to profit as more Americans get insurance. The companies will pass along these expenses as higher prices when they can. Companies that make or import brand-name prescription drugs paid a total of $2.5 billion in 2011, the first year for their fees.

Insurance companies will share in paying an annual fee that starts at $8 billion for the first year.

Companies that make medical equipment sold chiefly through doctors and hospitals, such as pacemakers, artificial hips and coronary stents, will pay a 2.3 percent excise tax on their sales, expected to total $1.7 billion in its first year. The device makers are lobbying for repeal, arguing that some small companies will have to lay off workers and reduce research spending.

When: Began last year for drug companies; starts in 2013 for device makers, 2014 for insurance companies.



Who pays: People who set aside tax-free savings to pay for health care.

How much: About $33 billion over 10 years

The lowdown: The law limits annual contributions to medical Flexible Spending Accounts to $2,500; there was no government limit before. Many employers had allowed $5,000 in the accounts, and some even more. But the average contribution was only $1,400 per year, so relatively few workers will be affected. Four in 10 employees have jobs that give them the chance to sign up for these accounts.

Last year, people with FSAs and similar accounts lost the ability to spend the money on over-the-counter medicines not prescribed by doctors.

Also, the penalty increased from 10 percent to 20 percent for money withdrawn for non-medical reasons from Health Savings Accounts, which people use to help pay high insurance deductibles.

When: Contribution limit begins in 2013.



Who pays: People with big medical or dental bills who itemize deductions.

How much: Almost $19 billion over 10 years. Currently, taxpayers have to spend more than 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income on medical care to qualify for a deduction. The threshold will rise to 10 percent. So a household with income of $50,000 would have to spend $5,000 on health care before deducting amounts above that.

The lowdown: Most Americans don't have enough out-of-pocket expenses, those not paid by insurance, to meet even the lower threshold.

When: 2013 (delayed until 2017 for taxpayers age 65 or over)


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Associated Press


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