Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Great Books for Kids and Teens: Top Ten Posts That Provide a ...

Today is Tuesday, and that means Top Ten Day over at The Broke and the Bookish.? Head on over there to check out all the links to great blogs!? I love making lists, but I haven't had the time to participate in this favorite meme all summer.? Today's topic is Top Ten Posts That I Think Give You the Best Glimpse of Me.? This is an interesting one because most of my posts are either book reviews or Monday What Are You Reading? updates, but I will try to select a nice assortment to give you a better idea of who I am, both personally and as a reader (and writer), and I will include a variety of different types of book reviews.? (NOTE: This blog is just for kids/teen/YA books, so if you are more interested in grown-up books, then head over to my other book blog, Book By Book.)
  • Review: The Underland Chronicles - this was one of the first reviews I posted here, back in 2009, but it remains one of my family's favorite series.? We loved these books long before Suzanne Collins became a household name for The Hunger Games!
  • Review: Three Little Words - one of my few reviews of a teen/YA memoir, this book was powerful and has stuck with me.
  • Review: Alabama Moon - a middle-grade book review and another family favorite!
  • Teen Book Meme - this post - a list of beloved teen books - gives you an overview of what I have read and what I have missed.
  • Review: Prism - a review of both an audio book (which we often enjoy) and a teen/YA novel.? I wrote the review after listening to it on my own but later our whole family listened and loved it!
  • Top Ten Fantasy Series - part of my own Ten for Tuesday feature (before I discovered this one!), this particular Top Ten list was created by my teen son who is an avid reader and often provides input for this blog.
  • Top Ten Books of My Childhood - another of my Ten for Tuesday lists, this one provides some insight into my childhood reading habits.
  • Best Kids/Ten Books Read in 2011 - provides an overview of what I read last year and which books were my favorites.
  • Happy Anniversary to My Favorite Book - a little more insight into favorite childhood books - do you know which iconic kids' book celebrated its 50th anniversary this year?
  • It's Monday 8/6/12! What Are You Reading? - yeah, I know just about everyone writes some sort of weekly wrap-up post, but I think mine is a bit unique because I include what everyone in my family is reading, including the kids.
Oh, shoot, I can only pick 10?? Well, I think those provide a good overview of who I am and what this book blog is all about.


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