Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Apple, Microsoft and the Rest of Them Don?t Get

Apple, Microsoft, Dell, IBM, Google, all of them ? the companies that make the hardware and software we use ? are, it would seem, ignorant, probably willfully so, of an important thing. We use their hardware and software in our work. Many individuals are like miniature institutions or corporations. Our HR department, our payroll department, our accounting department, our R&D department, our car pool, and everything consists of a handful of machines (a car, a desktop, a mobile device, a printer) and a single person to staff them all (you, me, whatever). We do quite a bit to implement hardware and software combinations that do the things we need. We have an address book, a way to use a phone, a file storage system, we install and maintain software to produce documents, keep track of numbers do other stuff. And we use the readily available standard hardware and software to do this, thinking all along that this is a good idea.

Now, I?m going to give you two scenarios, one imagined one real, to underscore why this is a huge problem. These two scenarios have very different meanings, and I?ll let you work that out.

Scenario 1 (false, but something like it could happen): Almost everyone is using the software produced by a single large corporation for much of their needs. For example, Microsoft Office is being used by most individuals who run businesses for documents, spreadsheets, data management, communications, etc. Then, one day, a Vice President at that large software company convinces the marketing department that there would be a great deal of positive publicity if they started to integrate a Holiday Celebration mode in their office suite, so that every document produced, including emails, would be linked to a template and the template would celebrate the current holiday. They also decide that launching this as a surprise would be fun, and they start with Easter. So, suddenly, without warning, every single document produced by a large number of us, starting on Good Friday and running through Sunday, has an easter bunny and a drawing of some bearded guy suspended, dead, on an ancient Roman torture device and he has a halo. Letters sent by the consultant working on a Mideast Peace mission for the United Nations representing an Israeli concern, being sent to the PLO have Jesus Christ on the Cross, and a bunny, on every one of them, for example. This would obviously cause problems, and it would be an entirely inappropriate decision on the part of the software company.

Scenario 2 (really happened, names obscured to protect the innocent): About 30 years ago, a reasonably large government agency was involved in negotiations to transfer a large parcel of valuable urban land, via a 100 year lease, from that agency?s use as a parking lot to a different agency?s use as contribution to building a sports stadium. In other words, a parking lot sitting in the middle of a downtown district being rehabilitated would get a new hotel and sports stadium built on it, as the center piece of that rehabilitation. Said agency had the last access to the critically important legal documents to allow this to happen, the team of lawyers made the final changes, the agency staff and director carefully went over every word of the document, then it was photocopied on a new fancy photocopy machine leased form a major hardware provider that I?m sure you?ve heard of.

About every ten pages, though, a two-line high strip of the sheet at a random location would not copy, but instead, be blank space. And, as it turns out, the only effect this had on the legal documents was to delete a very important sentence from the end of a very important paragraph, without any evidence that this ever happened. The missing data was noticed in a final proof read, a critically important meeting was postponed, the contracts shredded, and new photocopies made but this time with the paper oriented 90 degrees (the copier was capable of this) so that missing data would show up as a vertical stripe up and down the page, and those pages could be replaced. It was a mess. The executive director of the agency had the reps from the photocopy company in his office the next day and at the same time had his employees move all the machines in all of the agency?s buildings outside next to the nearest dumpster. The reps were instructed to pick the machines up and later, when a new contact for new hardware was arranged, all the machines were fitted with a warning. Other bad things happened to the photocopy company because of this incident.

Oh, what the heck, I might as well add a third scenario: The Map app that came with Apple?s IOS 6. Say no more.

Oh, and just so you know that I?m not being anti-Apple here, I?ll add two more: Unity, and every upgrade to Windows by Microsoft. These are all examples of changes done entirely for marketing reasons and that break current workflow.

When one sets up one?s hardware and software, one imagines efficiency. One imagines effectiveness. One imagines cool-ness.

One imagines sitting at one?s computer, and you get a call from an associate?

?We need such a such a thing to happen, can you make that happen? Now? Or we?re dead.?

And you start clicking on the keyboard and swiping the mouse around on your desk. Windows open on your computer and information flashes across them. Other windows open as still others close, various documents are accessed and various information flows form one bit of software to another. Within a minute or so emails with attachments are flying through Tubes on the Internet to far flung and important places and they make things happen. Nobody dies today. You kicked ass.

But what really happens is this. You?ve got everything pretty much working. For collaborative reasons, you are using Google Docs. You get that phone call. You go to open Google Docs and Google stops you. It wants you to upgrade your security questions. What was the name of your first dog? It wants to know the name of your fucking first dog. You never had a dog. You need to get to the documents, to make things fly through the intertubes. You open up another web site and it seems to have forgotten that you had clicked the ?remember me? button and you have to log in again. What was that password? Meanwhile you flip open your laptop and turn it on, only to discover that it has chosen this moment to scan the entire hard drive for errors. Once that is done, the system starts an automatic upgrade and you need to reboot it three times. Meanwhile one of the pieces of software you usually use, that you need to access right now to get some data, has stopped working because it conflicts with some time-saving application you installed yesterday. Just then, when you open the document you?ve been working on for three days and go to turn it into a PDF file, you discover that your word processing software can?t handle files over 35 megabytes in size, your email system will not send them, and you can?t upload them to your web site because the arbitrary limit on document size set by the server is 10 megs. So all the work you did in preparation for this sudden emergency kick-ass deployment simply can not be used, sent, or accessed at all by anyone.

And that is when you realize the truth: The hardware and software you are using is a toy.

The hardware you get to use, and the software you get to use, as a mere ?end user? (the EU in the EULA), as distinct from a company that produces much of its own software, has an IT department, and never upgrades or changes anything until it has been tested out?the hardware and software you get to use?is a toy, and in fact, not a very good toy. And the purveyors of that hardware and software do not seem to understand, or even know about, the possibility that you use their products for real live grown up stuff.

This is what the boneheads a Microsoft, Apple, Google, Dell, IBM, the rest of them, have produced for us. Quirky toys that don?t work when you need them to work.

Why is that?


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White: 7 Ways Information Systems Impact Customer Relationships ...

Auto Shop Management Blog ? ? 7 Ways Information Systems Impact Customer Relationships in Auto Repair

7 Ways Information Systems Impact Customer Relationships in Auto Repair

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Information systems can have a significant impact on customer relationships. Several points in the customer relationship cycle occur through information systems. In some cases the impact is through presentation while in others it involves interactive information exchange. At whatever degree this occurs, the relationship with the customer is affected. If information systems reinforce the basis for the relationship the impact will be positive. The following key points should be evaluated when considering the impact of information systems on customer relationships:


  1. Document Presentation ? All documents provided to the customer impact their perception of the business. Quotes, invoices and statements are examples of documents the customer receives. Any document that?s given to a customer influences their perception of the company. All documents should reflect the basis of the relationship between customer and service provider.
  2. Lube Stickers ? These can be one of the most powerful marketing tools available to an auto repair shop. They serve as reminders to ensure proper vehicle maintenance while reinforcing the relationship between the vehicle owner and the repair shop.
  3. Service Due Reminders ? Email reminders to a customer reminding them that preventive maintenance service is due on their vehicle provide a valuable service to the vehicle owner. The customer is reminded to have services performed that keep the vehicle safe and reliable reducing the cost of ownership.
  4. Appointment Reminders ? Reminding a customer of a scheduled appointment is an important service that a shop management system can provide especially if the appointment was made a several weeks or months in advance.
  5. Marketing Correspondence ? Sending emails to customers for special events can have a significant impact on customer relationships. Special emails can be sent for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Also special events and offerings at the shop can be communicated.
  6. Interactive Website Processing? Many shops have options for customers to request quotes or make appointments through their websites. This can make things a lot easier for customers as they can do this when they have time available.
  7. Integrated Status Notification ? Software systems often have integrated email processing that allows the shops to send an email or text message to a customer notifying them that their vehicle is ready for pick up. They can also support sending documents to customers such as quotes, invoice or statements.


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Del Ponte to join U.N. war crimes inquiry on Syria: diplomats

GENEVA (Reuters) - Carla del Ponte, the International Criminal Court's former chief prosecutor, will be named on Friday to join a United Nations investigation into war crimes in Syria, diplomats said.

The inquiry is gathering evidence for possible future trials of figures suspected of committing abuses in the 18-month-old war pitting President Bashar al-Assad's military and police against opposition forces.

Switzerland has proposed that del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney-general, join the panel as a commissioner and an announcement was expected by the end of the day, diplomats said.

The appointment of such an experienced lawyer will be a strong sign of the U.N.'s determination to bring human rights violators to justice.

Her eight years at the Hague-based court were dominated by the pursuit and trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who died in 2006 before sentencing.

"She brings strong investigative skills and an ability to better systematize and use the huge amount of information that the commission of inquiry is putting together with a view to prosecution one day," European Union (EU) ambassador Mariangela Zappia told Reuters.

The U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday extended the mandate of the Syria inquiry by another six months and condemned violations by government forces and pro-Assad militias but also by rebel fighters.

The 47-member forum adopted a resolution by a vote of 41 states in favor, with three states - China, Cuba and Russia - against and three abstentions.

Syria's ambassador Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui rejected the text submitted by seven Arab states and backed by Western powers as "highly-politicized and selective".

He accused Islamic "terrorists" of fueling the violence in his country.

The international inquiry led by Brazilian Paulo Pinheiro, set up a year ago, has interviewed more than 1,100 victims, refugees and defectors but has been denied access to Syria.

Earlier this month it expanded its secret list of Syrians suspected of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, including executions and torture, whom it says should face future prosecution.

Del Ponte met last week in Geneva with Pinheiro to discuss widening the inquiry, diplomats said.

Diplomats said that as well as del Ponte, the council's president, Uruguayan ambassador Laura Dupuy Lasserre, is to name Vitit Muntarbhorn, a Thai expert and veteran U.N. investigator, as fellow commissioners alongside Pinheiro and American Karen Abuzayd.

U.S. envoy Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe told reporters she could not confirm del Ponte's appointment but: "I hope that is what we see and I believe it will be."

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay)


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Anorexic Teens May Gain From Whole-Family Treatment | Color Nail ...

Anorexic Teens May Gain From Whole-Family Treatment

?Family treatment has been chapter of the landscape as the treatment of anorexia nervosa as maybe 40 years,barely this characteristic form has been evolving as a likely efficacious treatment for the last 10,? said Dr. James Lock,guide author of a study in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. ?But this namely the 1st learn to truly contrast this treatment apt an athletic treatment.?

Anorexia nervosa, an maximum common among teenage girls, can stunt growth,defer adolescence and reduce peak bone mass. Almost 6 percent of anorexics dead from alternatively suicide every ten-year the authors write.

?Family treatment namely offered in specialty centers but never typically available among highest communities,? said Lock, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences by Stanford University School of Medicine. ?This would be an contention apt bolster [its] availability, and training people to be skillful to use it.?

The home therapy prototype featured among this trial involved the home among treatment as contrary to simply blaming parents as causing the disorder.

?The tradition amongst much of modern was the parents were somehow the mistake or to be blamed, and for treatment you had to acquire the patient out from underneath the family that caused it,? said Dr. Richard E. Kreipe,medicinal guide of the Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program by Golisano Children?s Hospital, University of Rochester Medical Center.

But practitioners are moving away from this prototype.

?The fantasy here is that the disorder namely disabling and confusing apt both the patient and apt the family and that the family truly needs to study how apt aid instantly solve the problem of the baby eating and over-exercising, and find solutions by household where the newborn is alive explained Lock, who namely likewise psychiatric guide of the Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program by Stanford?s Lucile Packard Children?s Hospital.

?It?s behaviorally focused. It?s process focused. It indeed really makes the point that families, as distant as we know aren?t the reason Lock said.

The home treatment explored surrounded this study focused on parents actively helping kids learn apt eat and acquisition heaviness,after turning more autonomy over to the patients as their functioning improves.

Here, 121 adolescents, mostly girls, were randomly assigned apt receive both family-based therapy alternatively individual treatment They ranged among age from 12 to 18 years.

Both groups received 24 hours of professional treatment over the course of a daily Follow-ups were scheduled six and 12 months behind treatment ended.

At the end of treatment,both groups had the same full remission rates with full remission defined partly as achieving normal alternatively close-to-normal heaviness and displaying an mean digit of symptoms.

But differences started to arise by the six- and 12-month marks.

At six months, 40 percentage of those within family-based treatment were surrounded full remission versus 18 percent of those within individual treatment At one daily the numbers were 49 percentage and 23 percent respectively.

?Anorexia nervosa is quite perplexing apt treat,barely the important issue namely the data are becoming increasingly explicit that the long-term outcomes,especially whether you can acquire patients into treatment early, are extremely affirmative said Kreipe, who is also medicinal consultant of the Western New York Comprehensive Care Center as Eating Disorders and past chancellor of the Society of Adolescent Health & Medicine.

?We would be better off whether we defined anorexia as a developmental ailment rather than a thinking ailment Kreipe additional?This has to do with being an youth [and] issues of autonomy and control and physical control as an goes amongst adolescence Yes, it has a cerebral factor barely likewise a biological chip and a psychological chip?


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Fans cheer refs, and Ravens beat Browns 23-16

BALTIMORE (AP) ? The regular NFL officials returned to action, and the ending of their first game was eerily familiar to the one that hastened the exit of the replacement refs.

This time, however, there were no replays or arguments at the end. Just another win by the Baltimore Ravens over the Cleveland Browns, 23-16 on Thursday night.

If not for two failed desperation passes into the end zone in the closing seconds, the returning officials might have had to work overtime on their first night back.

Cleveland began its final drive with 1:05 to go on its own 10. Rookie Brandon Weeden moved the Browns to the Baltimore 33 before a fourth-down pass into the end zone fell incomplete. But a personal foul penalty on Baltimore linebacker Paul Kruger gave winless Cleveland one more chance.

That pass sailed out of the end zone.

"Too much juice," Weeden lamented.

The final sequence was not unlike the controversial ending of Monday night's Green Bay-Seattle game, when a Hail Mary pass was ruled a touchdown. That play, and the furor it created, hastened negotiations that brought the regular officials back.

The lockout ended late Wednesday, bringing about the exit of the unpopular replacement refs. And so, finally, the tenured officials were in place for Week 4.

"I felt so bad for that Green Bay situation," Ravens running back Ray Rice said. "Replacement refs, their families, I can't knock them. The scrutiny they were under. That kind of scrutiny is bad. It's hard going from like Pop Warner to the big leagues."

As they walked onto the field hours before this game, the officiating crew received a round of applause and shouts of encouragement from fans in the lower sections. Head linesman Wayne Mackie and line judge Jeff Seeman both tipped their caps to acknowledge the support.

And then, before the pregame coin flip, referee Gene Steratore greeted the players at midfield by saying, "Good evening, men, it's good to be back."

Many in the sellout crowd of 70,944 stood and roared their approval.

Afterward, Ravens coach John Harbaugh echoed the sentiment of the crowd.

"Welcome back to the officials. Good to have them back," he said. "These guys are really good. The communication was good. I didn't agree with every call, but they were excellent."

Joe Flacco went 28 for 46 for 356 yards, threw one touchdown and ran for another. Yet, it wasn't until Cary Williams returned an interception 63 yards for a score at the end of the third quarter that the Ravens (3-1) put some distance between themselves and the young Browns (0-4).

"I thought our secondary made plays that had to be made, especially at the end there when they were knocking at the door," Harbaugh said. "Cary Wiliams was the difference in the game with the interception return for a touchdown."

The fans waited until the third quarter to boo the officials. On a 13-yard completion from Weeden to Benjamin Watson, Ravens safety Bernard Pollard was called for a helmet-to-helmet hit. The crowd jeered the call, but replays appeared to confirm the penalty.

The 15-yard markoff set up a 51-yard field goal by Phil Dawson that got the Browns within 16-10.

Late in the quarter, Williams ambushed an out pattern by Travis Benjamin and took the interception down the right sideline for a 13-point lead.

It was the 13th consecutive home win for the Ravens, the longest current run in the NFL, and their streak of 10 straight wins in the division is also the most of any team. Baltimore has also won nine straight over Cleveland.

Anquan Boldin caught nine passes for 131 yards, and Torrey Smith had six catches for 97 yards and a score.

Weeden went 25 for 52 for 320 yards, but rookie running back Trent Richardson gained only 47 yards rushing on 14 carries. Dawson kicked field goals of 51, 50 and 52 yards, the last one with 4:33 left to make it 23-16.

It's the third time since 1998 that the Browns have lost their first four games. They finished 2-14 in 1999 and 5-11 in 2009.

Coach Pat Shurmur applauded the performance of the refs, and acknowledged he deserved an unsportsmanlike conduct call in the fourth quarter.

"I can't do that," he said. "It's an emotional game, and I got to make sure I keep my emotions in check."

Cleveland played the majority of the game without wide receiver and punt returner Joshua Cribbs, who sustained a concussion while returning a kick late in the first quarter.

Cribbs had his helmet knocked off and lost the handle on the ball after absorbing a hard hit by Dannell Ellerbe. It was legal tackle, shoulder to helmet, and the officials did not call a penalty. Cribbs lay prone for several minutes before finally rising to his feet and walking off the field.

Flacco went 16 for 26 for 186 yards and a touchdown to stake the Ravens to 9-7 halftime lead.

NOTES: Former Browns and Ravens RB Jamal Lewis was inducted in Baltimore's Ring of Honor. ... Cleveland safeties Tashaun Gipson and Usama Young both sustained knee injuries. ... Dawson is the seventh player in NFL history to kick three FGs of at least 50 yards in a game.


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Camera+ for iPhone updated for iOS 6 and iPhone 5, Camera+ for iPad now available

Camera+ for iPhone updated for iOS 6 and iPhone 5, Camera+ for iPad now available

Camera+, the very popular photography app by tap tap tap, has been updated to support iOS 6 and the iPhone 5's larger display. You can now see more photos in your lightbox and have a larger editing preview area when working with your photos. In addition to the changes made to Camera+ for iPhone, tap tap tap has also released an iPad version of Camera+ into the App Store and with iCloud sync, you can keep your lightbox photos synced between all your devices -- as you take photos with your iPhone, they will automatically pop up on your iPad.

In addition to all the great features that come with Camera+ on the iPhone, the iPad version also includes the ability to brush on effects, layer two or more effects to your photos, straighten your photos while cropping, and other advanced adjustments including white balance, exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation sharpness, and red eye removal.

Now, I'm not one to take photos with my iPad, so I admit that I wasn't exactly excited to hear that Camera+ was available on the iPad because I didn't think I'd get much use out of it. However, with the ability to keep my lightboxes in sync between the iPhone and iPad and all the new capabilities included with the iPad version, I understand the hype. On the other hand, I can't help but ask why the ability to layer and brush on effects and all the other iPad-exclusive features were never, and still aren't, available on the iPhone version of Camera+.

Regardless, editing photos is always a much more pleasant experience on the iPad than on the iPhone, and for just a buck, Camera+ for iPad is a great choice -- especially if you're already a Camera+ for iPhone user.

$0.99 for iPhone - Download Now

$0.99 for iPad - Download Now


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sprint?s stock has outperformed Apple and Google this year

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Shares of the nation\u2019s third largest carrier are up more than 140% this year and the company predicts it once again see profit growth in 2014. \u201cI tell the team here, \u2018You\u2019re not going to see any mission accomplished signs anywhere on this campus,\u2019 \u201d chief executive officer Dan Hesse said in interview with Bloomberg. \u201cThis is a long process.\u201d Although it was a risk, Hesse pushed the carrier to offer Apple\u2019s iPhone on its network. 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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing ...

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing Business Online?

Article by Alan P

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing Business Online?

So do a lot of people. The internet has opened up a new world for those people who want to make extra money building an affiliate marketing business online. You can sell any type of product online that you can think of. In addition you can get started with very little money. This makes it very attractive for those who want to build an affiliate marketing business online as well as a great hunting ground for those who want to scam people into believing that building a business online can happen in a few days without training, effort or any money. It can happen but you won?t make any money.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, if you want to make extra money building an affiliate marketing business online there are a few things you will need to know. And NO you can?t learn all of these things in a 47 page eBook.

Here are 5 things to consider:

#1. Building a Business Online takes time: That?s right time. You don?t think Kyle and Carson went from to mill + a year over night do you? NO, it took Kyle and Carson years to develop their business and build their lists and materials to the point where they can rake in millions per year. I?m not saying it will take you 10 years but don?t expect to make ,000 next month like some of the Guru?s would have you believe.

#2. Real Training Is Required: I mean, should be required. Certainly you can go to any number of websites and buy the latest Guru?s secret to building an affiliate marketing business online over night. Then when you have questions you can go back and buy another and another and another?The reality is that Affiliate Marketing is a complex business. There is no one eBook that could possibly cover it all. There are however formal training courses like Wealthy Affiliate that provide step by step instruction on how to build an affiliate marketing business online.

#3. Pay Per Click Advertising Requires Research and Knowhow: That is if you don?t want to pour money into the open mouth of Google and run your credit card to the limit. Google will gladly take your money and charge you .00 per click when the guy in the #1 spot is paying $ .50. You can get that top spot for $ .50 too if your quality score is high, click thru ratio is high and your keywords, ad copy and landing pages are all in sync. Not knowing how to do these things will cost you lots of money.

#4. You Can Make Money Without Paying For Advertising: This blew me away. Welcome to the Web 2.0 world. You can build a Blog for free, have people subscribe to your newsletter, recommend your site to a social networking site and have millions of people show up to see what you have to say. You can do this without spending a dime. Of course if you did have a million people show up would you be ready? Would they buy or bounce back to the site they came from because your sales copy didn?t catch their eye?

#5. Affiliate Marketing Is A Hard Business To Learn Alone: I?m not saying you have to have a business partner. What I am saying though is that as you go about building an affiliate marketing business online you will want to have some people to bounce ideas off of. Someone to take a look at the article you wrote, or the site you built.

Fortunately there are lots of online forums you can join that are filled with people who run their own affiliate marketing businesses that are willing to help. If you want to find one try this search in Google: Affiliate Marketing ?forum?

Making extra money building an affiliate marketing business online is a viable option for anyone who is willing to put in the work required. In order to be successful you will need to acquire the knowledge needed to master Affiliate Marketing. There are an unlimited number of resources available online from eBooks to formal training courses like Wealthy Affiliate. If you choose wisely and work hard you will make tons of money and enjoy the freedom that comes from owning your own affiliate marketing business. Mine actually pays me while I sleep.

About the Author

Alan P is a work at home dad and internet marketer. To learn more about affiliate marketing training view his site at: learn more about driving traffic to your web site see: traffic /p>

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coaches Fox, Del Rio fined for abusing officials

FILE - This Sept. 17, 2012 file photo shows Denver Broncos head coach John Fox gesturing while speaking to officials during the first half of an NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons, in Atlanta. The numbers say there isn't much difference between NFL games worked by the regular officials and the ones being worked this season by their replacements. Comments from players and coaches say otherwise. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, FIle)

FILE - This Sept. 17, 2012 file photo shows Denver Broncos head coach John Fox gesturing while speaking to officials during the first half of an NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons, in Atlanta. The numbers say there isn't much difference between NFL games worked by the regular officials and the ones being worked this season by their replacements. Comments from players and coaches say otherwise. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, FIle)

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, left, looks on during the first half of an NFL football game against the Baltimore Ravens in Baltimore, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Gail Burton)

Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh, left, talks with line judge Esteban Garza during the first half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots in Baltimore, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

(AP) ? The NFL fined Broncos coach John Fox $30,000 and defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio $25,000 on Monday for arguing with replacement officials a week ago.

"There is a longstanding NFL rule prohibiting verbal or physical abuse of game officials," NFL executive vice president of football operations Ray Anderson said.

Anderson also said he is reviewing the conduct of Patriots coach Bill Belichick and the Ravens' John Harbaugh in Sunday night's New England-Baltimore game. Anderson also is looking at the actions of Redskins offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan in Washington's loss to Cincinnati.

In Denver's loss to Atlanta in the Sept. 17 Monday night game, Fox became enraged several times. Denver was called for 12 men on the field at one point and Fox challenged the play. The officials threw a flag, saying he couldn't do so. Fox began yelling, insisting he could; Fox was correct. He lost the challenge, though, because the Broncos did have 12 men on the field.

Fox also came on the field after a fumble recovery went to Atlanta even though Broncos lineman Orlando Franklin emerged from the pile with the ball. Much pushing and shoving among players ensued.

Del Rio was just as demonstrative in questioning calls in the 27-21 defeat.

"There's nothing much to say, other than that the league has its policy, there are procedures," Fox said. "It's kind of an in-house thing."

In the Patriots-Ravens game, Belichick grabbed the arm of an official as they were leaving the field after Baltimore kicked a winning field goal at the end of the game. He said he wanted an explanation of whether the kick was reviewable.

"I've coached in this league a long time and I've never been penalized, never had any incidents with officials or anything like that," he said. "I have never meant any disrespect or in any way tried to abuse or be disrespectful to the officials and the job that they do. I was trying to get an explanation for obviously an important call, play, in that game, and that's the No. 1 thing between coaches and officials that's always at the forefront is just communication of what's going on, what's happening."

Shanahan, son of Washington coach Mike Shanahan, was whistled for berating an official as the Redskins were attempting to drive for a tying touchdown in Sunday's 38-31 loss. Robert Griffin III spiked the ball with 7 seconds remaining at Cincinnati's 34-yard line, and tight end Fred Davis was called for a false start as the offense lined up for the next play.

At least one official apparently indicated ? erroneously ? there would be a 10-second runoff because of the penalty, which would run out the clock. Cincinnati's coaches and players along the sideline then walked onto the field, thinking the game was over.

"When I overheard the official tell the head coach that the game was over after the false start penalty, I tried to explain that the game was not over," Kyle Shanahan's said in a statement. "That is what resulted in the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. I tried to get an explanation of how I could get that penalty when half of the other team was on the field as well."


AP National Writer Eddie Pells in Denver and Sports Writers Howard Ulman in Foxborough, Mass., and Joseph White in Ashburn, Va., contributed to this report.


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Associated Press


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Teen Girls: Nibbling to Separate | Psychology Today

As a young intern, I once heard my supervisor describe mothering teen girls as being similar to getting ?nibbled to death by minnows?.? Pre-motherhood, I didn?t really get it.

As a psychologist specializing in teens, I know that developmentally, they are working on separation from parents in order to explore and master independence.? As a mother, I experience (often daily) the form this separation process takes.? Here?s an example of a dialog I had recently with my teen daughter:

Daughter:? So?, mom?.what?s going on with your hair?.exactly?

The look on her face impressively combined wonder with horror and repulsion.

Me:? Uh, what do you mean honey?

Daughter:? Well?.it looks like you found a dead ferret and, uh, stapled it to the side of your head.

Pause.? She?s waiting to see if she really crossed the line or not.? Lucky day for her, I burst out laughing.? I?m actually still laughing, even as I write this.

In our beach town, young female humanity has mastered the careless art of the messy bun.? Everywhere you go, you can enjoy the image of a teen girl, often in Ugg boots and pajama bottoms, sporting a messy bun.? My bad for thinking I could also pull off a messy bun.? Clearly, I cannot.? Point taken.

But the more important point is that moms of teens regularly receive comments that don?t necessarily strike the hilarity chord.? In fact, moms often talk about feeling criticized, hurt, and devalued by their teens.? I?m sure boys do their share of this but let?s face it, teen girls have a special gift for zinging moms.? In the hairdo example, the whole ferret reference really worked for me but on other occasions, I have felt hurt even though I?m a psychologist and should know better.?

Here?s what I try to remind myself.? My daughters need to push me away during these years in order to feel less dependent on me.? They no longer see me as princess of the universe, coolest woman on earth. Sure, they like me fine and even love me, but they also find me annoying and actually need to in order to make separation easier.? I remember going through the same thing with my mom, actually criticizing her for the way she chewed!?

While I don?t tolerate disrespect, I work on seeing the developmental underpinnings driving frequent comments I receive from my daughters.? I also remind them to voice positive thoughts from time to time, just to strike a balance.? For example, if you like the fact that I made a special trip to get your 4 boxes of coconut popsicles because you LOVE them, MENTION IT!? Not only do I enjoy a little validation for my efforts, every other person you have a relationship with for the rest of your life will also appreciate positive feedback. Be conscientious.

So, if you?re a parent of a teen who hurts your feelings by articulating flaws and weakness you never knew you had, you?re not alone.? Give feedback, when warranted, and whenever humanly possible, LOL.


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Online Games and High Speed Internet Questions

Do you play online games at all ?? Are you happy with your internet connection ? Any time outs or slow screen reaction ?? Internet service providers have a variety of connection speeds, from basic dial up to lightning fast cable and satellite. A high-speed connection has many benefits, from faster downloading of files to faster web browsing.

The speed of the connection determines how fast the computer is able to communicate with the remote servers on the internet that contain information. ? The faster a computer is able to upload and download information, the more complex and rich the remote information can be.

Often the most rich and speed intensive information is found on online games. The reason most gaming computers must have a good graphics card is that the amount of graphics information they have to process can be intense. ? This is also true of a network connection.

If the connection speed is slow, the best gaming computer on the market will be unable to download the graphics intensive information in some online games fast enough to run the game properly.

The graphics in a slow connection may load too slowly, hang up too often, or simply time out the internet connection, if the connection is too slow. ? If an online gaming customer plans on playing intensive games, they should make sure they have a high speed Internet connection for their premium games.

This information should be made available from the online gaming webpage. Most mobile devices are high speed, and have the added benefit of not being tied to a wired connection.

With today?s mobile devices, a good mobile network connection allows the gaming enthusiast to take their games anywhere.

Imagine the convenience of taking a child?s favorite online game along on a road trip.

More here ?




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Monday, September 24, 2012

A Bootlegged Google Maps App is Coming Soon to iOS 6 [Video]

A Bootlegged Google Maps App is Coming Soon to iOS 6 Really it was only a matter of time, but this was still surprisingly fast. What you see above is the iOS 5.1 version of Google Maps running?albeit a little jankily?in iOS 6. The porting was done by one Ryan Petrich, who says the port is working pretty well, but isn't quite ready for release to the public yet. Yet.

As with all good things, the iOS 6 version of Google Maps will require a jailbreak, but it's not like someone hasn't already managed to jailbreak the iPhone 5, so that's not too big of a deal. Keep your eyes open for the return of Google Maps on a Cydia app store near you. [Ryan Petrich, The Next Web]


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Ideas On How You Can Become A Great Internet Marketer | Exact ...

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It is vital to use both long term and small term marketing strategies for your internet business. Doing so will help to drive a steady stream of traffic to your web site. If you use the marketing strategies efficiently the traffic flow you get will be specifically targeted to your product.

Fresh, lively and informative content, is key to any successful website, so take a look at your website?s content on a regular basis. Don?t let it grow stale and out of date. Add new content on a daily basis, so that you?ll attract more visitors who want to see what?s new.

Offering a free sample or trial in your internet marketing campaign is a fantastic way to get people hooked on your product. Be careful that what you?re giving away is affordable, and that it truly will only be requested by people who are interested in purchasing your product after using it.

High visibility is one of the most vital areas to focus on in Internet marketing and one that will help you grow your business effectively. It can be as simple as educating friends, family and colleagues about the values of your product or services so that they can refer clients to you.

Turn your advertising into an article to really reach out to your target audiences. People use search engines to pull up ?how to? articles every day, so make your website useful and boost your search rankings at the same time. Custom content with your advertising cleverly embedded is a fantastic way to give your website exposure.

Offer a survey on your website that questions vital questions about your product and taps into the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of your customers. To increase the amount of volume that you get, you can offer discounts or deals to the visitors who take the survey, or enter them into a raffle for a prize.

Use emails in internet marketing as wisely as possible. If you are using email to market your business, you don?t want to overdo it. In fact, if you are sending too many emails you could be classified as spam, and if your content isn?t grabbing the attention of your audience, they will also classify your emails as spam.

You may be tempted to completely redesign your website to more effectively market it on the net. Many people subscribe to a myth that CSS is the only format that will do excellent in the new Internet algorithms. This is proven to be untrue. Even if your website is on an older table format it won?t matter.

The Internet is the newest tool in advancing business online. Using different Internet marketing strategies can turn themselves into a wealthy business in a very small amount of time. Having read this article you now should know a couple of tips yourself for Internet marketing. So what are you waiting for, get marketing!

Please visit again this site if you require data on seo for small businesses.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Searching for Personal Injury Attorney South Bend - NCWT Legal ...

If you?re looking for a South Bend personal injury attorney, then you need to first assess if you?re a personal injury victim in the first place. Luckily, most of the lawyers you?ll be interviewing are willing to look into your case for free to see if you have a chance of winning it. On that note, when it comes to searching for Personal Injury Attorney South Bend, you should only pick the best ones out there especially if the party you?re suing (may they be an individual or a corporation) has dealt you with significant medical bills and damages both physical and emotional due to negligence. You should also avail of the best attorney available because their fees are a percentage of the compensation itself, so they basically need to win your case in order to get paid.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

TheUBScribe: RT @poynter: New study by Twitter: The 4 things journalists can do to increase followers & engagement

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Honest Tea Replaces Sugar Cane with Fruit ... - Organic Food Tips

Now Sweetened Only with Organic Fruit Juice, Available in 6.75 Fluid Ounce Pouches and 59 Ounce Multi-serve Bottles

(Bethesda, Md. ? September 20, 2012) - Honest Tea?, the nation?s top-selling organic bottled tea company, today unveiled its reformulated Honest Kids ?fruit-juice sweetened? line of beverages.? All five varieties of the popular pouches have been updated by removing the organic cane sugar and increasing the juice content.? Honest Kids beverages now have between 30-42 percent juice, an increase between 12-26 percentage juice, depending on variety. Nutritionally, the drinks remain at 40 calories per 6.75 fluid oz. pouch.

?Honest Kids has experienced dramatic growth to the point where it is almost a third of our business,? said co-founder and TeaEO Seth Goldman. ?We are excited we found a way to deliver the same not-too-sweet taste by sweetening the drinks only with fruit juice.?

Additionally, the graphics on Honest Kids pouches and cartons have been updated to feature fruit photography emphasizing the flavors in each variety. The updated look aligns the appearance of Honest Kids? with the clean, simple look of Honest Tea? and Honest Ade?.

The Honest Kids ?fruit-juice sweetened? line of beverages will also be available in a brand new, 59 oz. multi-serve bottle. The new bottle, with an easy to pour grip and embossed with the words ?HONEST?? and ?ORGANIC? on the neck, is designed for home consumption.? ?We received numerous requests from parents who wanted a larger package for families to enjoy at home,? Goldman said.

Honest Tea is continuing its focus on sustainability by actively promoting TerraCycle?s Drink Pouch Brigade? on cartons. The program, which was started by Honest Tea and TerraCycle in 2007, has been responsible for collecting more than 100 million used kids drink pouches from a number of manufacturers over the past five years. Those pouches have been recycled into new products including back packs, pencil cases and bike racks.

The company?s five Honest Kids varieties are: Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Goodness Grapeness, Tropical Tango Punch, Super Fruit Punch, and Appley Ever After.? The 8-pouch cartons will debut in natural food stores in October and grocery stores nationwide starting January 2013.? Three varieties ? Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Super Fruit Punch and Goodness Grapeness ? will be available in new, redesigned 59 fluid oz. multi-serve bottles launching during the same time period.

About Honest Tea

Founded in 1998, Bethesda, MD based company Honest Tea is the nation?s top-selling organic bottled tea company specializing in lower calorie beverages that are ?just a tad? sweet. Honest Tea?s product lines include: Honest Tea ready-to-drink bottled teas, Honest Ade and Honest Kids organic thirst quenchers. All varieties are USDA-certified organic and all tea varieties are Fair Trade Certified?. In addition to being named one of The Better World Shopping Guide?s ?Ten Best Companies on the Planet based on their overall social and environmental record,? Honest Tea was also listed as one of ?Top 7 Green Corporations of 2010,? and was ranked by The Huffington Post as one of the leading ?8 Revolutionary Socially Responsible Companies.? Honest Tea was purchased by The Coca-Cola Company in March 2011 and operates as an independent business unit.? For more information:


Honest Tea

Honest Tea is the nation?s top-selling organic bottled tea company with a mission to make great-tasting, truly healthy organic beverages sweetened with less sugar and fewer calories than most bottled beverages. Honest Tea?s product lines include: Hon?

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Friday, September 21, 2012

SpaceX, NASA target Oct. 7 launch for resupply mission to International Space Station

ScienceDaily (Sep. 21, 2012) ? NASA managers, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) officials and international partner representatives Thursday announced Sunday, Oct. 7, as the target launch date for the first contracted cargo resupply flight to the International Space Station under NASA's Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract.

International Space Station Program managers confirmed the status and readiness of the Falcon 9 rocket and its Dragon cargo spacecraft for the SpaceX CRS-1 mission, as well as the space station's readiness to receive Dragon.

Launch is scheduled for 8:34 p.m. EDT from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. A back up launch opportunity is available on Oct. 8.

The launch of the Dragon spacecraft will be the first of 12 contracted flights by SpaceX to resupply the space station and marks the second trip by a Dragon to the station, following a successful demonstration mission in May. SpaceX services under the CRS contract will restore an American capability to deliver and return significant amounts of cargo, including science experiments, to the orbiting laboratory -- a feat not achievable since the retirement of the space shuttle.

The Dragon will be filled with about 1,000 pounds of supplies. This includes critical materials to support the 166 investigations planned for the station's Expedition 33 crew, including 63 new investigations. The Dragon will return about 734 pounds of scientific materials, including results from human research, biotechnology, materials and educational experiments, as well as about 504 pounds of space station hardware.

Materials being launched on Dragon will support experiments in plant cell biology, human biotechnology and various materials technology demonstrations, among others. One experiment, called Micro 6, will examine the effects of microgravity on the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans, which is present on all humans. Another experiment, called Resist Tubule, will evaluate how microgravity affects the growth of cell walls in a plant called Arabidopsis. About 50 percent of the energy expended by terrestrial-bound plants is dedicated to structural support to overcome gravity. Understanding how the genes that control this energy expenditure operate in microgravity could have implications for future genetically modified plants and food supply. Both Micro 6 and Resist Tubule will return with the Dragon at the end of its mission.

Expedition 33 Commander Sunita Williams of NASA and Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will use a robot arm to grapple the Dragon following its rendezvous with the station on Wednesday, Oct. 10. They will attach the Dragon to the Earth-facing port of the station's Harmony module for a few weeks while crew members unload cargo and load experiment samples for return to Earth.

Dragon is scheduled to return in late October for a parachute-assisted splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern California.

While NASA works with U.S. industry partners to develop commercial spaceflight capabilities, the agency also is developing the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System (SLS), a crew capsule and heavy-lift rocket to provide an entirely new capability for human exploration. Designed to be flexible for launching spacecraft for crew and cargo missions, SLS and Orion will expand human presence beyond low Earth orbit and enable new missions of exploration across the solar system.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

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