Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing ...

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing Business Online?

Article by Alan P

Do you want To Make Extra Money Building An Affiliate Marketing Business Online?

So do a lot of people. The internet has opened up a new world for those people who want to make extra money building an affiliate marketing business online. You can sell any type of product online that you can think of. In addition you can get started with very little money. This makes it very attractive for those who want to build an affiliate marketing business online as well as a great hunting ground for those who want to scam people into believing that building a business online can happen in a few days without training, effort or any money. It can happen but you won?t make any money.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, if you want to make extra money building an affiliate marketing business online there are a few things you will need to know. And NO you can?t learn all of these things in a 47 page eBook.

Here are 5 things to consider:

#1. Building a Business Online takes time: That?s right time. You don?t think Kyle and Carson went from to mill + a year over night do you? NO, it took Kyle and Carson years to develop their business and build their lists and materials to the point where they can rake in millions per year. I?m not saying it will take you 10 years but don?t expect to make ,000 next month like some of the Guru?s would have you believe.

#2. Real Training Is Required: I mean, should be required. Certainly you can go to any number of websites and buy the latest Guru?s secret to building an affiliate marketing business online over night. Then when you have questions you can go back and buy another and another and another?The reality is that Affiliate Marketing is a complex business. There is no one eBook that could possibly cover it all. There are however formal training courses like Wealthy Affiliate that provide step by step instruction on how to build an affiliate marketing business online.

#3. Pay Per Click Advertising Requires Research and Knowhow: That is if you don?t want to pour money into the open mouth of Google and run your credit card to the limit. Google will gladly take your money and charge you .00 per click when the guy in the #1 spot is paying $ .50. You can get that top spot for $ .50 too if your quality score is high, click thru ratio is high and your keywords, ad copy and landing pages are all in sync. Not knowing how to do these things will cost you lots of money.

#4. You Can Make Money Without Paying For Advertising: This blew me away. Welcome to the Web 2.0 world. You can build a Blog for free, have people subscribe to your newsletter, recommend your site to a social networking site and have millions of people show up to see what you have to say. You can do this without spending a dime. Of course if you did have a million people show up would you be ready? Would they buy or bounce back to the site they came from because your sales copy didn?t catch their eye?

#5. Affiliate Marketing Is A Hard Business To Learn Alone: I?m not saying you have to have a business partner. What I am saying though is that as you go about building an affiliate marketing business online you will want to have some people to bounce ideas off of. Someone to take a look at the article you wrote, or the site you built.

Fortunately there are lots of online forums you can join that are filled with people who run their own affiliate marketing businesses that are willing to help. If you want to find one try this search in Google: Affiliate Marketing ?forum?

Making extra money building an affiliate marketing business online is a viable option for anyone who is willing to put in the work required. In order to be successful you will need to acquire the knowledge needed to master Affiliate Marketing. There are an unlimited number of resources available online from eBooks to formal training courses like Wealthy Affiliate. If you choose wisely and work hard you will make tons of money and enjoy the freedom that comes from owning your own affiliate marketing business. Mine actually pays me while I sleep.

About the Author

Alan P is a work at home dad and internet marketer. To learn more about affiliate marketing training view his site at: learn more about driving traffic to your web site see: traffic /p>

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