Friday, October 26, 2012

Comment - The Dakno Marketing Blog

Something pretty cool happened the other day I wanted to share it with you. In my normal daily routine I?ll tweet a few links of what I feel are especially high value content links our clients create for their Dakno websites, WordPress Blogs and IDX sites. In this particular instance, I tweeted out a link for a terrific Google Map created for Jeff Adler?s Bergen County, NJ Real Estate Home Team Blog. More precisely, it was a clever Google Map for Jeff?s upcoming Bergen County, NJ Halloween Events. You might be asking yourself; ?Okay Bobby, what?s the big deal about a Halloween events map?? Stay tuned!

Before We Get to ?The Map?

In case you haven?t checked your Google calendar lately, Halloween will be here before you know it. Have you written you real estate blog post outlining where locals can find your area?s Halloween events? Holiday posts are typically big site traffic generators. Mind you, they probably won?t generate buyer or seller engagements. What they will do is position you as the area expert and the go to resource for all things in your area. You might even gain a little ?mind share?.

Casting Heavy Stones?!

If you create great content, it will get recognized and shared. It?s like taking your content and tossing it in a lake (where your audience hangs out). The more compelling (weighty) the content, the more ?ripples? it creates and the more attention it will gain. Attention is good and Google measures and rewards content that has been shared and reshared.

Back to The Tweet!

You never know who is listening to your tweets. Or in this case, my tweets. As you can see in the progression of the images below, my tweet about Jeff?s Google map was ?retweeted? by Myles Ma. Mr. Myles Ma is a journalist in Bergen County, NJ. For real estate agents who tweet, should you follow and engage with journalists in your backyard? YES! Myles is so open to engagement that he even says so in his Twitter bio! ?Got a Tip? Contact me!? Granted, what Myles is looking for are juicy tips about breaking news in Bergen County, NJ. But you never know on a slow news day if Myles will reach out to someone like Jeff Adler for a Bergen County, NJ real estate interview.

Now that?s NOT an invitation for local REALTORS to spam Myles with your listings but it is an open?invitation?to be seen as a subject matter expert on real estate.

Although, it?s difficult to see but in the photo below the Reply-Delete-Favorite tools in my tweet you can see where Myles retweeted the Google map tweet of mine.


One of the hot topics discussed in real estate marketing circles today is social media ROI. In my mind, one way real estate agents can experience social media ROI is to create awesome content, share it responsibly and engage. The reward will be great relationships, building value with your community, with Google and possibly, be validated by the press for your expertise.

How Has Your Compelling Content Coupled with Your Social Engagement Been Rewarded?

Leave a comment and share how your content and your engagement has been validated and rewarded.

Until next time,


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