Saturday, November 17, 2012

Britney Spears reportedly 'calls off' her planned December wedding

Like with many stories about Britney Spears, CB and I have different thoughts on the current round of gossip about Britney?s relationship/engagement to Jason Trawick. CB?s take is that Jason is a sketchball who probably fools around on Britney. While I agree that could be happening, I think there?s a ?reason? why Jason might be getting some on the side ? perhaps because that?s the arrangement that he and Britney have always had? I tend to believe that Jason is now and has always been more of Britney?s caretaker than her boyfriend/fianc?. But tabloids still try to convince us that Britney and Jason have a for-real relationship, and that the relationship is rocky/weird/sketchy. Which might be true. Who knows? Us Weekly claims this week that Britney wants Jason to ?check in? more:

He won?t be a slave for her! Britney Spears? constant demands that fiance Jason Trawick ?check in with her? have him fuming, a source tells Us Weekly.

?The romance is gone,? says the insider. Trawick, 40, ?puts her on speakerphone so friends can hear her nagging.?

(A rep for the X Factor star, 30, denies this, and an insider insists, ?That?s not Jason?s style. They?re happy.?)

But the source contends there?s turbulence ahead: ?I?d be shocked if they got married.?

Spears, who is a mom to Sean Preston, 7, and Jayden James, 6, (with ex-husband Kevin Federline) got engaged to Trawick in December 2011, but have yet to set a date.

[From Us Weekly]

I don?t know? it sounds kind of reasonable in this particular situation that they BOTH would want to check in with each other, right? And isn?t? Jason WITH Britney on the set of The X Factor anyway? As for the wedding? it?s my understanding that Britney, Jason and her team were waiting until all of the legal issues with Sam Lufti were over before they got married ? and Lufti?s case was just thrown out of court earlier this month. So what?s the hold up?

Britney Spears and Jason Trawick had planned a romantic and intimate winter wedding, but after incessant fighting between the two, the impending nuptials have been called off, is exclusively reporting.

?Britney and Jason had planned to get married at the end of December, but they have been fighting non-stop so the wedding has now been called off,? a source close to the situation tells Radar.

?They are telling their friends it?s being postponed, but they will probably never make it down the aisle. Britney doesn?t think Jason is any fun and resents him because he acts more like a second father than a romantic partner, or equal.

?Britney and Jason have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for a very long time. She has been staying in a hotel during the week because of the live X Factor shows, and although Jason stays at the same hotel, he is in a room adjacent to hers. Jason feels like he is Britney?s babysitter and it?s pretty much just a business arrangement at this point. Jason does love Britney and the boys, but he just can?t see himself spending the rest of his life with her,? the source says.

?Britney?s parents are absolutely devastated that the wedding has been called off,? the source continues. ?Lynne is very close to Jason and views him as one of her children. Meanwhile, Jamie feels that Jason shouldn?t have proposed to Britney if his heart wasn?t in it, and feels a little betrayed. It doesn?t help matters that both Jamie and Jason are co-conservators of Britney. The whole situation is just sad for everyone.?

[From Radar]

Yeah. I believe this. Maybe not the details about ?calling off the wedding? but I believe Radar?s assessment of this relationship. It?s more of a business relationship, and he?s more like her caretaker, emotionally, romantically and legally. Remember, Jamie Spears allowed Jason to join as joint conservator for Britney, and the judge cosigned it. So even if Britney says ?the wedding?s off!? it?s much, much more complicated than that.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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