Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Health Care - Acne, Fitness, Diabetes Center Advice and Tips ...

Common treatments for hemorrhoid attacks are sitz baths, eating fiber-rich foods, drinking more water and taking an NSAID analgesic. Surgery is a last resort solution that is used for severe forms of hemorrhoids. The piece that follows offers useful insight about the root causes of hemorrhoids and the best techniques for alleviating them once they develop.

Drink lemon water to help ease your hemorrhoids. Irritation cause by hemorrhoids can be soothed by the properties of lemons. Constantly drinking lemon water throughout the course of your day will make it a much better one.

You can try some over-the-counter solutions to a hemorrhoid problem. Drugstores and supermarkets offer a variety of different products to suit this purpose. While this will not entirely eliminate hemorrhoids, it will offer relief from pain and itching. Do not, however, use them for longer than seven days.

Bowel Movement

People who strain excessively while trying to have a bowel movement are more likely to develop hemorrhoids. Changing your diet to include less refined foods and drinking more water, will help to make stools easier to pass. Squatting without unnecessary strain can help pass bowel movements. Keep a small stool in the bathroom, and rest your feet on it as you use the toilet. In countries around the world where they don?t use toilets but instead squat to have a bowel movement, hemorrhoids are rare.

Add more fiber rich foods to your diet. Some foods that are full of fiber are fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, and seeds. Eating a simple, balanced diet will make things more comfortable for you.

Hemorrhoids feel like chicken pox around your anus, and you should not scratch them. It is important not to scratch, however, because you could open up a wound. If they are ripped open they are going to cause you far more pain, and open your body to getting bacterial infections.

Don?t consume spicy foods or caffeine. These foods have an irritating affect on your intestines which can ultimately cause problems with hemorrhoids. Eating spicy foods even cause your hemorrhoids to get inflamed, and burn you all the time.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a great product to use for hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is readily available at most drug and grocery stores nearby. When the witch hazel is applied to the affected area, the astringent effect helps to reduce swelling and bleeding.

It has been reported that tomato slices can assist in size reduction of hemorrhoids. Tomatoes are acidic. Applying a fresh slice of tomato to the hemorrhoid can shrink swelling. This method can keep your hemorrhoids away if you also adopt a healthy diet.

Bowel Movements

If you?re afflicted with hemorrhoids, take sitz baths immediately after bowel movements. These baths will help minimize the itchiness and irritation that can flare up after bowel movements. When finished with your bath, ensure that you pat the anal area until it?s dry instead of rubbing it.

You can upset your hemorrhoids by lifting heavy objects. Increasing the applied pressure to the area on or around swollen veins causes the size to increase and the swelling to become worse.

Do not ever scratch your hemorrhoids even when they are itchy. The relentless itchiness of hemorrhoids during a flare-up can be maddening. The normal reaction is to scratch the itch because it makes you feel better for a short time, but it can delay the healing process for your hemorrhoids. Focus on finding a treatment that is effective in fighting the itch, so you do not have to scratch.

As you?ve read, there are a variety of options available to hemorrhoid sufferers. Surgery is reserved for the most severe cases and is rarely recommended. When you learn what causes you pain, you can also learn what to do to prevent that and you can actually help relieve any chance you have of an outbreak.

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Source: http://www.healthcarecenteradvice.com/2012/12/24/hemorrhoids-tips-for-relief-2/

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