Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This Man Crafts Some of the Most Intricate Ship-In-a-Bottle Dioramas You've Ever Seen

Throughout his entire life, Ray Gascoigne had a connection with the sea. He's worked as a shipwright, a sailor, and now that he's retired he still spends his days working on boats—just on a smaller scale. When it comes to the ship-in-a-bottle, Ray is a master craftsman who makes designing tiny boats that can slip through the neck of a bottle look like child's play. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/7b6s-irmuxQ/this-man-crafts-some-of-the-most-intricate-ship+in+a+bottle-dioramas-youve-ever-seen

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