Wednesday, March 14, 2012

5 tips: The truth about breastfeeding - OC Moms - The Orange ...

Last week, my husband and I were celebrating our friends? pregnancy, when an interesting question came up. As I reached for my nursing equipment (which includes My Brest Friend, a nursing pillow which truly lives up to its name, and my nursing cover) the new mommy-to-be?asked about?breastfeeding.

"I keep hearing how difficult breastfeeding is, but I don?t understand ? what?s the hardest part about it?"

"Breastfeeding is a very personal decision. And because it is so personal, we're wary of saying too much. What works for one mom may not work for the next. But at the same time, I do think we, as moms, need to discuss it more openly."


Before I became a mom, I too was pretty clueless when it came to breastfeeding. I knew that some of my friends did it, while others chose not to. But I never asked questions about why or why not.

Even after I became pregnant, breastfeeding was one topic that I never heard much about. Everyone had advice when it came to sleep, the cutest clothes and popular birthing methods, but I rarely heard much about nursing. For some reason, it?s a topic most of my mom friends didn?t openly discuss. That is, until I became a mom and started asking questions. That?s when I finally began to hear the real deal ? the good, the bad and the ugly.

Now, I get it. Breastfeeding is a very personal decision. And because it is so personal, we?re wary of saying too much. What works for one mom may not work for the next. But at the same time, I do think we, as moms, need to discuss it more openly. If it weren?t for the support of the hospital I birthed at, my amazing mommy friends, family and my husband, I don?t think I could?ve stuck with it. What began as an incredibly difficult, frustrating journey has evolved into an intimate bonding experience with my son.

That?s why I put together a list of the five most important lessons I?ve learned in my four months as a breastfeeding mom:

5. It's OK to ask for help. I sought help from my hospital, books, friends with newborns and family. I highly recommend taking a breastfeeding class taught by a lactation consultant. It really does take a village!

4. Get comfy. Your nursing gear can make all the difference, especially when you?re getting started. Find a comfy nursing pillow, a chair with good back support and a nursing cover. Also, keep a bottle of water handy at all times ? trust me, you?ll need it!

3. It can take a while to get started. Nobody told me just how long it could take for my milk to come in, (a couple weeks for me!) which made me a very anxious, nervous new mom. As hard as it is during those first few weeks, it?s important to get as much sleep as you can, maintain proper nutrition and hydrate.

2. It's all about the latch! A good latch can make or break your breastfeeding experience. If your baby is latching properly, you shouldn?t experience pain or bleeding. If you are, seek out professional help to get you on the right (much less painful!) track.

1. Do what works for you and baby. Ultimately, you need to make the decision that?s best for you, your health and your family. Learn as much as you can about breastfeeding leading up to your baby?s birth so you can make an informed decision when the time comes.

What do you have to say about breastfeeding? Share your experiences (the good, the bad and the ugly!) below.

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Kristin Chessman is an Orange County-based writer, editor and new mom. She shares her musings on all-things-baby every Tuesday on OC Moms. Follow Kristin on Twitter @KristinChessman.


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