Monday, March 5, 2012

Video: Barbara Bush supports Romney

>>> we're just two days from super tuesday, the biggest day so far in the republican presidential campaign . with contests in 11 states. mitt romney is coming off his latest victory in yesterday's washington state caucuses. nbc's peter alexander is on the trail in ohio .

>> reporter: stumping across the south today , mitt romney is hammering home his business background, looking to take a decisive advantage in the republican race.

>> the economy is what i do, it is what i know, it is what i've done.

>> reporter: while rick santorum battles to regain momentum.

>> we're doing as well as anybody in all of these races.

>> reporter: with 11 contests this super tuesday, the symbolic prize remains the general election battleground of ohio . for the latest nbc news/marist poll shows romney gaining on santorum. their matchup now a statistical dead heat . because santorum failed to complete the required paperwork, he may not be eligible for more than a quarter of ohio 's delegates.

>> it is a tough state for us because of the fact that with the money disadvantage, but we're -- we have got a great grassroots campaign. we're hanging in there.

>> reporter: throwing her support behind romney , former first lady barbara bush who recorded a phone message for voters in ohio and vermont.

>> we have known the romneys for years and believe mitt is the best man to lead the country for the next four years. and ann will make a great first lady.

>> reporter: also today, eric cantor , the number two republican in the house, endorsed romney on "meet the press."

>> mitt romney is the only candidate in the race who has put forward a bold, pro growth, pro jobs plan for the future.

>> reporter: and newt gingrich is staking his claim to his home state of georgia , with the largest pot of delegates up for grabs this super tuesday.

>> we really worked very hard to make sure we can carry georgia and all the polls now indicate we will.

>> reporter: in total, 424 delegates are available on super tuesday, that's more than all the republican candidates collected so far this entire primary season. but, lester, we're still a long way off before any one of those candidate has enough delegates to clinch the republican nomination.


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